"Yuk, Yuk, HYuk...Checkin in with Country Cousins..."

I swear...

I only have ONE Aunt from my mother's side and maybe 2 Aunts and 3 Uncles from my "Father's". But there are MORE cousins in this family than castaways on LOST! They ain't even my DIRECT cousins, more like Second or Third Cousins...Some are in Ohio, there's a couple in Pennsylvania somewhere, and then there's the CLAN from Greensboro, North Carolina.

I call 'em a Clan because there are SO many children and MORE children, you just lose count. For the longest, the mother of TRIBE lived on the 15th floor of our building...but then they moved down south. SO long as we've been living here, they depend on sleeping over at our apartment when they visit the city. The original set were the mother and FIVE kids. Her Oldest TWO were around me and psycho-sis's age. The oldest daughter had HER first child, 6 years before my niece was born...now she's on her FOURTH!

We were lucky this time, The Mother only brought her 16 year old (Child # 4, I think) and her High School friend. The three of them drove up twenty-some-odd hours to attend some Memorial Ceremony for some distant relative. MOM moved things around in the living room, brought out the "Slow Leaking" Air Mattress and Baby Girl's sleeping cot to accommodate our guests...

After sleeping in early due to the MOBY concert...I woke up this morning to see the new Saturday Morning Cartoons...

With "The WB" history, I knew "Kidz WB" would be changed into something else. What I didn't expect is them getting rid of Pokemon and Yu-gi-Oh finally! Old classics got terrible makeovers with "Shaggy and Scooby Get a Clue" and a new Superman cartoon. Loonatics started their new season okay, but it has a TERRIBLE new theme song.

The biggest treat was at noon, Fox 5 has decided to bring back old reruns of "BEAKMAN's WORLD", HA...I must of spoke it up with my flashback post! How cool is THAT!!!



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