"Calgon, Take me Away..."

Unpleasant Memory Time:

When I was around 15, I got mugged for a video game on St. Nicholas Avenue. Me and Joe were a block away from my house when someone grabbed him from behind. JOE, knowing instantly what was going on, tried to hand me the game and telling me to run, my reaction time was like gazelle running from a cheetah (Not that fast.) It happened in the blink of an eye...and scarred me for life.

I should consider myself lucky, no harm came to me, I wasn't threatened, we didn't even see a weapon (Although JOE swears he felt SOMETHING stick him in his back...). I have always been "Street Smart" able to detect danger from all angles. BUT that one time, I ..well, regardless, I'VE promised it will NEVER happen again, if you have ever been robbed or mugged in your life, you know it can be a very emotional experience.


Work's been driving me BIZERK as of late (See postings in Chronicles of Wabbit for details...) so I've decided to INDULGE myself a little.

A PS3 is damn near impossible to get this year (Even though I could with TWO credit cards at ZERO balances now, YIPPEE!!!) so I decided to buy a Slim PS2 (Silver Version for the Holidays!) so I can play my old games again (Especially the Light Gun games that relieve me from stress!!!!).

Thinking about the past...I wanted to go as early as possible so nobody would be on the street, BUT I knew the stores around here didn't open till 10, so I waited...

If MOM ever found out I brought this she'll kill me, but who is SHE to nag, she throws away money stupidly too!

The thing about the heights, they're aren't that many video game stores around, there only 2 actually and I think the owned and operated by the same person and both are on...St. Nicholas...

The time has come to face my fears...

I planned to use my unemployment money (Yes, I was still claiming it, my case end in November, we'll we're in November now...it ends soon, might as well keep claiming till it's closed!), this new debit card system they've adapted makes buying things a cinch!

I order the silver package and though about a couple of new games to buy...but changed my mind, I had around 8 waiting for me at home, that would start me off for awhile...

They gave me a free Demo Disc and put everything is a VERY conspicuous bag that almost said "FRESH MEAT" to anyone out there on the street corner...

But I played it cool, I walked out on the street and made my way back home, zig-zaging between streets like a bumblebee...and I made it! *WHEW*

Now, when they say SLIM, they were not kidding...the thing is about the size of Paperback Book. It actually FITS in the space between the top of my VCR and the shelf holding the TV above it. That WOULD be an nice hidden ideal place except it doesn't have CD tray that sticks out anymore, it opens up and the Disc snaps in.

With doing a little rearranging, I set it up and started playing TIME CRISIS 2.

It was so liberating blowing away the bad guys...my developing twitch had finally stopped in my eye...

I was at peace with the world again...



  • At 7:45 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    One time when we [jamie, me and some friends] were walking out of this carryout these guys asked jamie for some money and when he said he didn't have any they took my purse. the guys we were with took off after them but we were in the projects and well, that wasn't a smart thing to be doing. [chasing after some hoods in the dark in the projects]

    When we got back to our other friends house and we told them what happened and a bunch of them [guys] got in their cars and were driving though there with baseball bats lookin' for the guys who just took my purse. We found them-they were carrying bags of groceries. Guess they needed the money more than us.

    Still..I remember it.


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