"Election Day"

It's our right. There was a time when people of our color couldn't...and women themselves seemed the last "Minority" to finally be allowed. People have died so it can be done in this modern time...

But despite all this, I have NEVER participated.

I have yet to vote in a local city, state or national election.

Shocking I know, I SHOULD be ashamed...BUT I'm not, and I'll tell you why.

THIS is America.

The white man basically came over here, alienated the Native American Indian to remote corners of the country and took over their land. Nothing was done about this, it just happened and nothing that can be said or done can reverse what has been done.

With that one act they establish the one and only rule that defines this nation.

"A White Man is, and will always shall be...In Charge."

Now, WE have made progress as a melting pot of a nation. Plenty of races have come here and succeeded in businesses, public office, the courts, and congress. There have been Mayors, Senators, Governors of all races, and even women have excelled to one of the highest ranks of the country, BUT behind every Black Mayor, every Hispanic Senator, every Asian congressman or woman...a White person has been behind the scenes REALLY making the decisions.

That is my mentality of how I see the nation today. He may mean changes and advances for us, but no one, not even William Jefferson Clinton himself can say he know what it's like to be in our shoes. In 1992, I was only 16-going on 17 and couldn't vote. Part of me thinks I WOULD have voted for Clinton if the opportunity presented itself. The same with David Dinkins, he did a lot for the libraries when he was Mayor of New York.

In the 13 years I've been legal to vote no representative in ANY election has put any faith in me that things will seriously improve once they take office. The politicians are just Seat Fullers who pick up where the last Administration left off and continue to steer the course further and further to oblivion.

People believe elections are determined by a single vote. Whether true or not, the outcome is still the same. We are to be judged by our ineptitude to pick a reasonable representative, and this will never change.

So why vote?

My point exactly.

Now, despite not voting, I'm not stupid enough to BITCH about the administration since I did nothing to change it...I JUST DEAL with it, that's all. I'm a REALIST always have been. When people ask me if the glass if half full or half empty, I tell them "It's a glass with water in it." I state the obvious, and that being...

A White Man will Always be In Charge.

Even if there's a Black President, even if there's a Woman President...someone else will be pulling the strings.

HOWEVER, I am NOT without hope.

There IS one representative that has captured my eye...one I believe he can succeed where Jessie and Sharpton have failed miserably....

He's This Guy...

His name is Barack Obama.

He's sorta like Tiger Woods, only his mom's Hawaiian not Thai. I heard this guy SPEAK before finding out what he looked like and thought, "Okay, we have something we can work with here..."

He did a nice speech at the Democrat Convention couple years back and I've been watching him ever since.

Right now he's a Senator from Illinois but people are starting to think he's the one to beat for the Democrat Nomination in 2008. If and ONLY IF he runs for president (and not Vice President) I'll actually register in time to vote for him...it may be a lost cause, but hey, at least I tried.



  • At 7:54 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Here's something I didn't know until today:

    Keith Ellison wins handily in Minnesota's 5th District as a Democrat. One man out of 435...

    Why is that so important?

    Ellison is Muslim. And the first one EVER elected to the US Congress.

    Change doesn't happen by sitting behind your computer fussing about years of repression against any particular race Jet. I'm somewhat disappointed that you would even spew such whateveryouwannacallit.

  • At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do agree with some of what you say here. I do vote, and in most, practically all cases, it's really choosing (at least for me) the lesser of two evils. Both parties have their own agendas, but I look at what the issues are behind the PERSON running. And base my vote on that. I am not a person who is just going to "go down the list and vote all Democrat." That's idiocy. I am not a person who is going to vote for my party every time no matter WHO the person is, that is insanity.

    I do believe it is our CHOICE like you say whether we vote or not. But you have never been in a country who wasn't given that right. I don't either, so I partake in my right to vote because i can. A lot of countries out there don't have a choice, and I'm glad I do. Granted I may not like the fact that the parties have their own agendas, lie through their teeth to get into office only to find that not much is going to change. But I CHOOSE to decide in my small way to check that box for the person I would like to see in there.

    Yes, the "white man" invaded this country. As the "white man" invaded a lot of others. And as anyone else who keeps holding on to this fact (it's been several hundred years people) GET OVER IT. WORK with what you have. You are in control now of what YOU do.

    I think the black and female politicians might disagree with you on the white man having been behind the reasons why they are in office. There are PLENTY of other races in this country and tons of women. THink about it, maybe they are even the MAJORITY. But because they don't exercise their right, they won't have a greater voice than they do. And that is THEIR choice. As well as yours, so I am glad to have read that you don't bitch about it all. I wish the others would shut up, the ones that didn't vote as well.

    It's like that nag who bitches about everything yet doesn't do a damn thing to change it......

    I must say Mr Obama is kinda hot hehe

  • At 10:20 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Did you watch Lost?

    Shhiit. Was that all planned with that woman who made the video?


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