"Still Alive..."

Yeah, I'm still here, maybe I'm bummed out about the PS3 finally here and me with two credit cards with ZERO Balances and still couldn't get it.

Now that I think about it, I DID have a Christmas miracle the year the PS2 came out...the same thing happened and I came across an independent electronic store that sold their last one to me...BUT what are the odds of THAT happening again...

BESIDES, I jus got the Silver Slim PS2 and have been play TIME CRISIS, OUTLAW & HOT SHOTS GOLF, and the two BLOODRAYNE's as much as possible to calm down from the stresses of work.

I'll be fine...till "HEAT:the Video Game"(Pacino/DeNiro movie) comes out, then it's ON!

I'm just taking a break from Blogging for the holidays...this time of year always fucks with my head (Hopefully I'll reveal why in Chronicles of Wabbit)

A couple of things that got me down to create this hiatus...

1) Six Degrees episodes have disappeared till January (I hope they don't cancel this show, it's so good!)

2) Loonatics Unleashed has been moved to the ungodly hour of 8am Saturday Morning.

3) Joined this annoying website, True.com for their webcam chats, only to attract more attention from Women across seas that just wanna IM...

4) Things with MY NEW IM friend are stuck in neutral, we enjoy long chats, but there's no potential of meeting in person anytime soon (that sounds SO fuckin' familiar..)

5) Mom is bugging out trying make baby girl's Christmas everything OURS (Me and Psycho-Lesbo-Sis) wasn't! Trying to take her to see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall...

6) The Job, where ever you go, your job always sucks, is there ANYone out there who actually LOVES what they do for a living?

7) just life in general...roaming the streets alone, sucks...

And that's about it...

Enjoy the fixin's and the fam, ya'll...see ya in a week or so...




  • At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well if you think your Life Sucks them let me tell you, My life Stinks and that's a hard part.
    Must read this blog.

  • At 2:56 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    Keep buying a lottery ticket every week cuz ya never know.....

  • At 11:17 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I like my job. I like helping. It's not my dream job but it works.

    Grandmas are diff. than moms-you should know that.

    And sorry to bust ya bubble-but I heard they ax'ed 6 degrees.


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