"Two words: Don'tKnow and Don'tCare"

Well, it's 5am and the program to tape Channel 7 from 8:59 to 10:02 HAS BEEN erased!

That's right! I DID NOT tape "LOST" tonight.


However, I AM curious...

So after checking FIRE5 and Kimmyk's Blogs and coming up with squat...I checked good ol' TWoP...aka Television Without Pity

No official recap yet SO I had to hit the Forums...

Here's what I surmised...

A) Flashback of Kate's "Sorta" Wedding she mentioned in the drinking came with Sawyer way back when show the good (Yeah, I said it!)

B) Kate and Sawyer has "Cage Match" Sex...WHOOP-DEE-DO (If they stick to the rules, KATE should be next to go...Jus ask SHANNON and ANA-LUCIA!...those who have sex, DIE!)

C) Alex (Rousseau's Daughter?) makes an appearance and we find out the children (Remember "Teddy Bear Kid"?) are somewhere else or something...

D) SAWYER came REAAAAAAL close to being killed (Infamous DEATH music in all...)

and finally...

E) JACK finds out about KATE and SAWYER boning and Triple Crosses everyone in some sorta sacrifice decision to become the ultimate Bad-ASS now...

Everythings pretty cut and dry except the last...apparently he did his own thing when it came to either operating on Henry Gale/Ben and Conspiring with Juliet.

I heard it wasn't a Cliffhanger so no one's holding their damn breath for 16 weeks and early opinions are still mixed.

Part of me still doesn't care...I'm not downloading the episode, and if ABC doesn't wanna show repeats, FUCK 'EM...they're doing everything else wrong from jump street.

My feelings for "Grey's Anatomy" have evaporated no matter how good it's doing against CSI, I can forget about "LOST" just as well.

ABC always did having a knack of fucking up something when it's going good...It let "The Practice" and "NYPD Blue" run it's course and stay on too long after certain stars left the show and were replaced terribly, it canceled it's best two black sitcoms at the peak of their popularity "My Wife and Kids", and "The Hughleys", and they're starting to become more like Lifetime with their Woman-Oriented shows (Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Men in Trees, Brothers and Sisters...) Does ABC stand for "All Broads Channel"?

Oh, well...we'll see how Taye Diggs does with his thing, hmmm... What's "Criminal Minds" gonna be about next week?



  • At 6:59 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I'm gonna watch the Taye Diggs pilot. I don't think it's gonna run for more than the 13 weeks though is it?

    I thought Lost was good for once last night.

    I'm surprised ya didn't break down and watch it. You have will power...I do not.

  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    i missed it too. thought i had the vcr on, NOT.

    but i think the network shows the epis free online, not sure

  • At 10:11 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    The show with Diggs lasts only 13 episodes.

    I think American Express Card holders can watch LOST for free, otherwise it will likely show up on YouTube.


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