"If you have nothing nice to say..."

So instead of brooding about the past on why I hate this time of the years, I decide to go mum for a week or two. Meanwhile...MORE BULLSHIT hits the fan.

And as usual, it all starts with Psycho-Lesbo-Sis...

First, the Dipstick of a Baby-Father fed-ex's my niece's chirstmas gift...A Nintendo DS Lite. Seriously, does a 8 year old GIRL need a 149.99 dollar advanced PDA-like portable system to treat as a toy? The damn thing comes with a stylus for crissake! That's just waiting to get lost or broken. That whole "Touch-Screen" technology is not easy to do, she barely plays with her regular Game Boy....It's just STUPID and Spoiling the child rotten!

This whole situation put Psycho-Sis up in arms with HIS side of the family and she's calling down south cursing on the phone every other minute...

THEN she goes on this mission to find MOM the perfect christmas gift after so many failure with past holidays and birthdays (The Toaster Oven fire, the Can Opener Thumb-Cutting Incident, the winter coat allergy fiasco, etc...) I've finally come to my senses and get a simple gift to open that morning...and buy a gift with her that she wants AFTER christmas...BUT NO, this bitch has other plans.

While doing the birthday jewelry shopping expedition (Which apparently resulted in mom buying sis a 200 dollar chain she DOESN'T like!) she claims she remembers mom liking a bracelet for 120.00 She asks me to go half on it, but when we get there she tries it on and it's too small...

We should know better than to try and surprise her like that, she needs to try something like than on and make sure it fits right.

So then she says lets get her a Digital Camera...she saw one in a Blockbuster ad for 120 dollars, not remembering the make, model or nothing. We went through this with the damn Cheap-ass DVD player from Radio Shack! And I'm just correcting that mistake now, I'm not about to throw money away on a bullshit knick-knack camera!

So I take her 60 and tell her I'll find something, but I tell mom the whole story and she breathes a sigh of relief that we didn't buy anything and tells me not to bother.

But this is not registering with Psycho-Bitch so she's blowing up my cell, leaving cursing messages and shit and just plain trippin'


Before, it was where we were gonna be...Mom's House or Her Place...now, with her Lesbian Lover practically there all the time, there's no question...Mom goes in the morning, BY HERSELF, I stay home...I have to go to work that night anyway (I have Sunday off, but Monday Night is like a Tuesday so they're expecting us to come in.)

I hate this shit...I just wanna be alone somewhere, ANYwhere till this is done.

Today, I went to the movies to see that dragon movie, "Eragon". Sunday, Mom wants to see "Pursuit of Happyness", so I said cool, I go with...I'll probably see "A Night at the Museum" this weekend, too.

I would like to work on my Year in Review post, but once again, I'm getting bored with things like this blog...

It's time to let fate play a role on whether or not I should keep this goin...

Stay Tuned

Decision 2007 is upon us!



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