"And they say New York Fans are mean..."

You know, as a youth I always dreamt of going to New Orleans for Martis Gras. The sights, the crowds, the chaos, the topless women...

New Orleans always had a soft spot in my heart, especially since I liked Jazz.

And even when the mayor down there was talking shit about Ground Zero being "Jus a hole in the ground..." I shook that off.

They went through hell down there, and it wasn't any terrorist, it was jus nature.

BUT THEN my opinion of New Orleans CHANGED REAL QUICK around 8:37pm Saturday Night!

While looking at a VERY close shootout of a Wildcard Football game between my Beloved Eagles and those New Orleans Saints, I caught a quick flash of the crowd out there and couldn't help noticing a chick wearing a skimpy home made Tee-Shirt with an unruly message.

The fact that FOX had the nerve to air such an obscene message on Prime Time television where children can see it shows they STILL haven't learned anything from the whole "Janet-Boob-Scandal" oh so long ago.

Loyalty to a sport team is one thing, but there is such a thing as class.

And that picture above show how much class the people of New Orleans has.

It's shows how all of them are just trailer park trash, southern inbred, country yokals whose vocabulary is filled with nothing but four-letter words.

So now, I say to hell with New Orleans, they think George Bush doesn't care about Black People, well I personally now can give two shit's about the bayou, the swamp and the fuckin French Quarter!

I hope they really pay for this in Lack of Tourism...and I personally hope that slut above gets gangbanged by 6 football players severely.



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