"What am I?, Florence Nightengale?"

I dunno, lately the women I've been falling for have been some Hard Luck cases. They're always going through some hardship or something and it prevents the progression of the relationship.

Like my friend from Staten Island a long way back. She always had her sick child to take care of and that prevented her from going on an actual date. They manage to do everything else they have to do in life, but when it comes to just meeting someone to just walk around...they make it so damn hard!

And I blame myself, the worst their situation gets, the more sorry I feel for them.

"Leeloo" doesn't have any problems with her two sons, but she has asthma herself. Now, my niece has asthma and I know it can be a bitch to deal with sometimes. But is it THAT paralyzing to her social life that she can't even take some time to see me?

Why am I going through this? Why do I fall for these maidens in distress? Is it a Superman thing? Do I want to portray myself as the Prince Charming, saving the lovely princess and trying to provide her with everything she needs?

I'm not looking for a Gold Digger! I um done that already once and it costs me a Bankruptcy...

"Leeloo's" trying to do the whole Destiny's Child "Independent Woman pt.3" thing so she doesn't want me to see her in this weaken state.

But how long can a brother wait?



  • At 7:30 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    People have asthma yep, and the cold doesn't help, but there are inhalers and I'm finding it hard to believe she doesn't leave her house in the winter.

    Somethin's not smellin' right Jet.

  • At 11:52 PM, Blogger ac said…

    No. You are not Florence Nightengale. You are Jet BlackasNightengale. HA!
    I mentioned you today on my site.

    Keep your guard up. What Kimmyk said.


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