"Two years ago, a friend of mine...asked me to say some MC rhymes..."

You'd Never Guess, but today makes 2 years in the world of Madness that is Jet Black.

It seems only yesterday that the Eagles were at the Super Bowl and I was deep on this Cowboy Bebop kick so much so that I adopt the moniker JET BLACK and started Wasting SO much Time...

What a WACKY adventure it has been and what awaits me in the future ahead I do not know.

A recent comment the other day praised my SOC Writing style. I had to look up the abbreviation since I had never heard of it till now (Learn something new every day...)

Stream of Consciousness, sounds cool, doesn't it?

As I read the definition, I took note of the examples provided...

# Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and The Waves
# William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying
# Robert Anton Wilson's & Robert Shea's Illuminatus!
# William Styron's Lie Down in Darkness
# Allen Ginsberg's poem Howl
# Jack Kerouac`'s On The Road
# Samuel R. Delany's Dhalgren
# Hubert Selby Jr.'s Last Exit to Brooklyn
# Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
# Jerzy Andrzejewski's Gates to Paradise

When noticing Thompson on the list I wondered if this blog would be consider "Gonzo Journalism"? Hmmmm...

I'd like to give a nod to the new readers that are starting to frequent this Soap Opera that is my life and calling it their fav. Guilty Pleasure next to watching "American Idol".

And also give thanks to the loyal fans who've been there from Day 1, ya'll know who ya'll are.

The next few entries promise to be INTERESTING if not to say the least.

Stay Tuned!



  • At 11:24 AM, Blogger ac said…

    Happy Blogday Jet Black.
    You keep me coming back.
    I dig the way you SOC it to me..
    OK... That was bad.
    I'll stop now. ac

  • At 5:18 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I remember when I first found your blog [whenever that was]. I thought "he paid for sex". LOL. Remember that?

    It's funny Jet, I have blogs I read "faithfully" then there are blogs I read FAITH-FULL-LY!! you are one of the later. I look forward to hearing what's happening in your life. Never a dull moment.

    Happy blog birthday!


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