"I believe she suspects something...Who?....Your MOTHER..."

"Who is She?"

It started with a simple question, tuesday.

"You've been getting your haircut every two weeks or so, three fridays you've come home late...and you've been...quiet. Like you're hiding something, or someONE."

I came home and at 7:30 in the morning, while I was looking at last night episode of "Heroes" that I taped, MOM takes this moment to confront me...

So I stop the VCR, and look at her blankly...

"You've been looking at too many episodes of "Monk"."

"Stop playing and just tell me, are you dating someone again?" she insisted.

"No." I lied.

"You remember what we said?...No More Secrets."

"Yes, and YOU haven't been telling ME everything so don't expect me to!" I said angrily.

Those three words bring out the worst in me...because that's all this family's full of...Secrets and Lies.

Things unsaid to spare the feelings of others...fuckin' bullshit!

"IF I am seeing someone..." I began, "...I don't plan to make the same mistakes as last time..."

"Introducing us?!, your family?...Was a mistake, Leslie?"

"YES! If it were up to me, you wouldn't meet anyone till before the wedding!"

She gave me a hurt look at that...

"Who I involve myself with is none of your business, and that's all I'm saying!"

"You shouldn't be ashamed of her, you bring to this house we'll treat her with respect."

"I wouldn't BE ashamed of who I'm dating, I'd be ashamed of who MY FAMILY IS!"

And with that she scoffed and walked away.

Sooner or later, I'll have to tell her, but for now, it's my secret...I'm keeping her outta the loop.

It's none of her damn business...



  • At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    For a long time Jet I was always "embarressed" by things my family has done in the past, but your family is not you. You telling your mom you're ashamed of her was kind of harsh. I only say that as a mom. We want our kids to be proud of us and well, telling her that you're ashamed of her is, I would have to say is disrespectful.

    I can see wanting to keep it a secret for as long as you can, that makes sense. Keeping a little happiness to yourself...perfectly normal. Just maybe explain it to your mom that way. If you're worried about your sister? Jet, there are so many worse things in the world than to be upset that your sister is batting for the other team. Or was in the past. And baby girl? I bet she would be really happy for you too.

    I hope you don't mind my honesty...but I think we're good enough friends you can take it.

    ~KimmyK [Blogger is being a bitch]

  • At 2:00 PM, Blogger Les said…

    I know it seems harsh, and I'll accept the criticism...but Me and MOM...we still have issues. Issues I've barely addressed here on the blog. (They're that deep). The phrase "No More Secrets" has a personal meaning for us (Shit, it should be the family creedo...), both of us have and still are keeping a LOT of things from each other, things neither of us are proud of. So for us to be walking on eggshells while we're so dependent on one another in our current situation (HER getting tired of working, but not knowing whether to move or stay and keep paying the escalating rent and ME in my state of flux trying to re-discover what I'm going to do for the rest of my life ahead...) sometimes a toe gets stepped on...My mother tells my business to EVERYONE on this planet. And the one thing I don't need is to be walking down the street and someone asking me how am I doing with my new girlfriend?...It's embarrassing...It's like when Chelsea Clinton was trying have a relationship in the White House and everybody put that huge spotlight on her. Who wants that? No, Mom doesn't know the meaning of "discreet"...somethings have to kept under wraps.

  • At 9:48 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Makes sense. Just remember she's your momma...and she loves you and wants good things for you.

  • At 3:50 PM, Blogger ac said…

    Families... They can be soooo complicated. I know mine is! Sometimes the secrets you keep are the ones you should get out there first. I don't think that's the case here tho. You deserve your privacy. Just remember, she's yo mamma, so watch out for her feelings.
    My mother gave me a tip back when I first started dating, (low those many years ago!). She said, 'you can judge how a man will treat YOU, by watching how he treats his Mother'. I don't think I'm the only woman who uses this as a yardstick when sizing up a guy. Something to think about anyway... Good luck with both (all) the ladies in your life. ac


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