"Irish Spring"

My journey into the snow-capped metropolis yesterday was a waste of time and energy. By the time I had reached Casual Male Big and Tall down at 23rd street on the east side, it was 6:15, and even though the sign said they were open till 7pm, it was obvious that they had closed early due to the storm. I was able to savage the evening by returning uptown and seeing my Barber, Jalu for a haircut.

This morning, I had the interview. The metrotech center in Downtown Brooklyn, at 1pm. I ventured out around 10am to the cleaners to recover some slacks I put in monday. The Neighborhood was a mess. Fresh snow had hardened by the late sleet and freezing rain, and there were puddles of slush at every street corner. The sun was out but it was still a frigid 30 degrees as I trudged my way to the cleaners and made my way back home.

I took a shower next, and double checked my resume, gathered as much intel on the position and any relevant info I could give them to sell me better and I left a little before 12 noon. I was afraid trains your give me problems (With all the crazies heading to the Parade...), but thankfully I had no problems.

Downtown Brooklyn looked just like I remembered it. Sure the stores were maybe different, but it was still the same...a bustling promenade that could rival any country Mega Mall with streets so twisted and maze like, you can very easily get lost. It wasn't like the city (Manhattan) with STREETS up and down and AVENUES right and left...it was pretty much "do what'cha ya like" out here. The metrotech center was easy, 4 huge buildings in some-what a Valley of Corporate and School structures, The MTA headquarters, Polytechnic University and Keyspan Energy (Heat and Gas) are all around here along with the Brooklyn Courts and Marriott Hotel.

I made my on Myrtle, going south towards Flatbush, passing 2 Metrotech, then 3...finally to 4, My destination. It was 5 before one when I got to the entrance and found it locked. I was on the wrong side! This block was huge and it took awhile to walk around on the correct side and make my entrance. In the lobby, I stated my business to the guards who then called my contact. I had no idea what floor I had to go to so they sent someone down to pick me up.

The guy who met me was also doing my interview (guess the other supervisor was too busy...), he seemed to be a cool guy (who may or may not had sugar in the veins...) as he explained the setup of the office. I took note of where I was going and absorbed as much as I could, making detailed notes about everything I saw. As I looked around, everything was pretty much familiar, you could say it was just like "home" (If I could call where I'm working now, home...). The PC's, the floor plan, everything they were doing, looked exactly like what we were doing, so hopefully, I'd fit in fine (If there were no Ball-Breaking, uppity, Jamaican snob SKANKS around...).

I was led to a cubicle where I was asked some simple questions and informed about the position in question. This is where it got confusing. I was originally told needed only a part timer for the weekend shift, but the guy told me it was a 40 hour full time commitment they were looking for, true were the weekend details of work 7am to 6pm...but I guess I would be asked to also work Monday, Tuesday and possibly Wednesday, with Thursday and Friday off (Kewl!). This blew me away, but it wasn't nothing I could have a problem with. Everything seem positive about the work environment. They really looking for Leadership type qualities in everyone, which honestly I try not to shoot that high. I don't wanna be THE MAN, I wanna be THE MAN BEHIND THE MAN...I don't wanna be Kirk, I wanna be Spock, I don't wanna be Picard, I wanna be Riker. They say those who choose not lead make the BEST leaders, but I've been The Leader once, at the library, and all it brought was animosity from my peers, jealousy and hatred, to the point where I was betrayed and brought down like Julius Cesar ("Beware the ides of March!"...I'm not going out like that, ever again. I'm comfortable with my role, I have no high aspirations, just get the job done.

I was then taken around the office to the workstation where I would be if hired, I noticed instantly that the machines were enclosed in a VERY cool temperature room, to much of my delight! The machines were a bit more advanced than the encoders and check scanners we had, due to the fact that checks weren't the main thing scanned, more like the documentation itself matter most. I tried to contain my enthusiasm as this seemed to be the ideal position for maybe the next few years. Everything looked perfect. I was asked if I wouldn't mind being cross-trained for other duties, which were Data Keying and Mail Extracting. I shuddered at the thought of paper pushing (or envelope opening...) but agreed that it would be a pleasure to be a Man-at-Arms and know more than one operation. Within a half hour of walking and talking we were back at the cubicle, the guy seemed sold on me and it would be a matter of days before they would make it official. If I do get the position, it would start in April, after I would get processed and everything (I noticed I didn't have to fill out any paperwork, which was a relief...) and I would get an answer over the phone very soon.

This was one of the easiest interviews I ever went through, I don't wanna get my hopes up too soon, but it appears to be a Slam Dunk!

I went back home and stopped by Blockbuster to get a few movies to celebrate. I rented "Snakes on a Plane" (for Mom), "The Prestige" and finally "Brick" for me. I was home by 3:30 and we watched "Snakes on a Plane" at 4pm...Very vicious movie!

After the movie, I caught Leeloo online and we chatted a bit. At 7:30, mom sprung for Chinese and we saw the "Soul Train Music Awards" together.

Mom mentions some trips she plans to take this year. When I was living on my own for 5 years, she never left her house (only to go to work) now, ever since I moved back in she treats herself like Paris Hilton sometimes, hopping around the states. She's planning a trip to Jacksonville next month, she's thinking about Vegas again, to attend a friend's family reunion (How she gonna go to a family reunion and she ain't family!?!?!?)...AND!!!! She has the nerve to wanna take Psycho-Lesbo Sis to NASSAU!!...The freaking island resort! WTF?!?!? When baby girl goes down to see her father down south during the summer, they gonna go...WITHOUT ME! Talking about, "It's a place only Women enjoy..." BULLSHIT!

See, it's these little gestures that PROVES MOM favors SIS more...

But that's okay...Imma do my thing, too...

Me and Leeloo hit it off, and I know she's real...we'll go to Puerto Rico, by ourselves...maybe for our 6 month anniversary...

See, I'm gonna Live LIFE!...with or without my fake-ass family!

Gonna take her trifflin', golddigging, lazy-ass, welfare mama, psychopath to paradise!?!?...and I'm the favorite?!?! PLEASE!



  • At 11:09 PM, Blogger ac said…

    The MAN behing the MAN... ha ha. I love your stories. Good luck on getting the job. Sounds like something you wouldn't mind doing.


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