"Pale shades of Grey...."

With March Madness taking over CBS, I caught up with "Grey's Anatomy". I DID NOT like that three-part story about the ferry crash, it struck a chord with me here in New York after we had our own ferry disaster a couple of years ago. That shit is still fresh in our heads and didn't need to splashed into a TV Sweeps gimmick! What's next, a couple a hijacked planes hit the Space Needle?!?! While I knew Meridith was on the verge of dying (Yeah, like they'd really kill her off, her name's in the damn Title of the Show!), I had no idea they took that moment to also kill her mother who I thought was getting better from the MS...that was big.

Also, Callie and George got married...wow...Christina and Burke are doing the engagement thing. I almost thought that would have been reversed when both proposals happened at the same time, shows what I know...

Mongomery-Shepard puts McSteamy in the Penalty Box with a bet, which probably means she still wants him for herself.

AND now it's Karev's turn to fall for someone, despite him being the unemotional "Tell-it-like-it-is" hard-ass. To be fair, his IS an interesting story arc, I hope they milk it for a while and keep it a mystery of who she is and all that. In real life, Jane Doe's stay at hospitals for MONTHS before their identity can be found.

So with that recap, we dive into Thursday's episode. A floppy British snob (Hey, it's that guy from CHEERS!) would be an ideal replacement Chief...mix up the ethnicity pot even more (This show is a Diverse as Network TV can GET these days...which is not really a GOOD thing.). The ol'flame/mentor relationship with Christina is a nice touch (anything to drive Burke insane, right?), Izzy gets judgmental about George despite her having MILLIONS of dollars and unable to keep her nose to herself...and speaking of George, he goes apeshit when finds out he's achieved the American Dream (Marrying Money!)

And Speaking of which...HOW IN THE WORLD does Callie go from secretly living in the hospital to Paris-frickin'-Hilton?!?!? In the words of the Geico Caveman..."Yeah, I have a rebuttal, "Um, WHAT!?!?!?" She's loaded and she lives like Samuel L. Jackson in "The Caveman's Valentine"?!?!?! I haven't seen a huge shift like that since "The Practice" when Rebecca went from Secretary to Attorney between seasons!

So, in light of the shit hitting the fan, yadda, yadda, yadda...Izzy and George get CRUNK and MIGHT HAVE slept together...I'm not buying that "Coyote Ugly" ending till I see PROOF, damnit! There are lots of ways to get drunk, take off all your clothes and sleep in the same bed WITHOUT having sex. Maybe it was real HOT last night, who knows?...We'll see...

I saw "The Prestige" finally this morning (5am)...I'll share my insights on that KICK-ASS movie in another post.

But for now....PEACE!



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