"Spring Cleaning"

I'm in the process of "Sprucing up The Batcave" (That's what I call the house, I'm Batman, remember?), in anticipation of me and Leeloo taking that next step.

We were gonna try to get together down in The Village, but her breathing problems were acting up I guess we were both tired of walking around in the cold...

So my plan was to suggest a move to something "creative" indoors...It's always nice to have options so I proposed to her either an afternoon of Bowling?...OR...Coming to The Batcave for some Take Out and a Movie...

Getting MOM outta the house wouldn't be a problem, I could ask Cousin PAT to pick her up from work and take her to the mall shopping and Red Lobster, after...

Nuthin' much is going on aside from that...this past week was Graddaddy's Birthday, it's been 15 years since he's been gone, but I still wanna visit St. Raymond's and pay my respects. March and April are always somber Anniversary months...Just like December...So it's gonna be hard to post on here when I'm not in the mood.

I wanna keep posting music and doing new things whenever I can, the "Jet's Anatomy" project is still on the drawing board...and keeping with other trends I decided to do an "Ask Jet" Post where I'll take questions from anybody out there reading and reply to the best of my abilities...

I might see "300" today or tomorrow, and I got other crazy stuff to do around the house.

So, until then...PEACE!



  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    When you're all done cleaning up things there you can come help me. Deal? There's things I can't reach and with Jamie gone, I need some help.

    Oh, and if Leeloo comes over for some um...fun...make sure you clean up the condom wrappers. I remember the first time Jamie and I y'know...we forgot to clean the wrapper up and shewwiee did we hear it. Not from his mom but from his sisters. You don't want to hear it from your mom AND your sister.

    Jamie is so excited about "300" he can hardly stand it. It'll be a movie we see next weekend. I like going to the movie the weekend it comes out since that's when it has the greatest impact, but not this weekend.

    Sorry to hear about your grandpa. Sometimes time doesn't always heal a heart.

  • At 12:12 AM, Blogger ac said…

    I feel you on this one buddy. I really do. April is hard for me too. Ed died in April six years ago. Every spring since then, when the windows are open and the birds are singing outside and I should be loving it, all I can think about is Ed being here very ill and dying. Hard times.
    On a lighter note, I can't wait until it's time for 'ask Jetblack'. I'm getting ready. Watch out. HA! How many questions do we get?
    Good luck taking the next step with Leeloo. You're right. It's time to come in out of the cold! ac


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