"Last Chance:Ask Jet Q&A"

Okay, May's 24 hours away, I got some questions for my Q&A, but I would like some more...FIRE5's up first, then ac...Summer's next (She's great for asking the Most questions so far...), and then KimmyK's simple request...

4 Sets of answers...c'mon, I know there's more of ya'll out there! (tap, tap, tap...)

Last chance ya'll...first answers come Wednesday...




  • At 12:23 AM, Blogger Bella said…

    Thanks for stopping by.

  • At 7:29 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Okay questions:

    Have you ever been a victim of crime living in NYC?

    What's your favorite snack?

    Racism...you think it's getting better or worse or unchanged? I ask this because my friend experiences stuff all the time here in Ohio. Drives me nuts.

    Stranded on a deserted island..you get to have one person, one book and one food. What goes with you?

  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    Wait I must have missed something. What are you asking?

  • At 6:59 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Red, I'm giving everyone out there a chance to ask me some questions, ANY questions about me...got the idea from another blog...feel free to fire away!


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