"Ask Jet Q&A...The Answers...Round 2...ac"

Okay, keeping with the Monday tradition, it's time to do the answers for out next contestant of "Ask Jet Black anything..."

We have a few questions from the lovely "ac" who has grown to love the Jetmeister recently...

So, here we go!

Do you like movies or music better? Ooooh, that's a tough one!, I love them both equally. If you count all my VHS Tapes and DVD's against my Cassettes and CD's, I'm pretty sure I'll have huge but equal amount of each.

Given a chance to meet one blogging friend, who would it be? And why? I thought about this one a lot, I would love to just do a tour and everyone who stops by (Luckily, that wouldn't be a long trip!), if there was one, thou it would have to be the one closet to me out there in Ohio...KimmyK. She's been here from day 1 (or maybe Day 12, no one probably read the VERY first entry here...) and I've gotten to know her family and her way of life for 2, going on 3 years now. I even know what she sounds like and would LOVE to be her tour guide if she ever comes to New York one day.

Seriously, thou...I wanna meet everyone, if only they'd have a convention of sorts somewhere and I knew everyone who reads here was goin, I would try to meet them.

I remember you saying you open your windows sometimes on very cold days. (I do that too.) What floor do you live on? Do you sleep with them open? I sleep with most of them open (2 out of the four), I usually open a top and a bottom, the bottom I usually have to put a screen on the bottom, because the cat tries to go out on the balcony. We are Seven flights up, which mean some can still look in and watch me walking around naked in the living room.

You made the comment that someone, (Leeloo?) had found the *other* blog. What did you mean by that? By *other*, did you mean this one?When Blogger sold out to Google and forced everyone to sign over, I started a backup blog with VOX, it's still there, but I really haven't updated it. Most the early post have been copied over and the newer ones can be transfered over with no problem.

Are you as nice as you seem?Hmmmm...Maybe.

Okay, that was great...next monday it'll be Summer's set of questions, and KimmyK's on Memorial Day.

I just got a nibble on a scanner position by a temp agency, I'm going to register first thing Wednesday, wish me luck!



  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I *heart* you!
    I would love to meet you too one day. That would be a hoot. I imagine no one would mess with me if you were my tour guide. We'd go to like a double movie-I've never heard of anyone doing that but you. Funny.

    Great questions AC and great answers Jet!

    Good luck tomorrow!

  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger ac said…

    Thanks for answering.

    I do heart the Jetmeister. That I do!

    If I ever come to New York, I hope you will be my tour guide. ac


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