"Dear Mama..."

Today I snuck a note in my MOM's purse that said...

"I'm Proud of You."

It was her first day going back to work after her vacation.

It may have been sappy what I did, but the thing is,I haven't quite told mom that I quit Chase, yet.

When she came back tuesday afternoon and found me home, I told her that I took the day off in protest of the policy change of them making me Pre-Extract. She just shrugged it off and said "You coulda helped me come home, then!".

That night we looked at "Little Miss Sunshine" and then "House".

Wednesday, MOM went to see Baby Girl in a school play while I did my registration thing and had a brush with death-by-Math Problem. When I came back, I went to the library and borrowed 2 DVD's for mom, "Up Close and Personal" and "Brokenback Mountain", one is her favorite cuz of that damn Celine Dion song, and the other she's been curious to see (But I sure as hell ain't!).

I've been buttering up on her good side because I know she's gonna freak when I tell her I'm not goin' back to CHASE.

She's gonna be like, "I hate my job, I don't quit!" and "You can't just be jumping around Job to Job..." that whole song and dance...

So I gotta break it down to her soon, and it's better that I soften the blow...

I went to the cleaners and then went over the GWB to Fort Lee, New Jersey to go food shopping at A&P. I brought 2 Five Pound bags of French Fries, 2 Double Packs of the Big Jif Peanut butter, 2 Digorno Microwave Pizzas, some Kool-Aid packets that they RARELY have in stock (14, 10 Lemonade, 10 Grape, 4 Tropical Punch), and finally as yet another gesture, I brought mom a box of those damn Jimmy Dean Egg, Cheese & Sausage croissants she goes nuts for.

I came home and stuffed the freezer, then went back out to Blockbuster and FINALLY got a copy of "Smokin' Aces" along with "God of War 2" for PS2.

I then came home, peeled off my clothes and took a shower.

MOM came home at 6:15, her first day back at the job was fine, she was missed and she doesn't hate her co-workers anymore (for now...).

She told me the note was silly and questioned my sanity and told me not to sneak in her purse anymore...figures.

We looked at "CSI" and that "Lost:The Answers" special. I told MOM one of the producers, Carlton Cuse, used to produce "Nash Bridges" back in the day...

She went on to bed afterwards and I burned a copy of "Smokin' Aces". The damn DVD was scratched so I had to exclude the Special Features from my copy! But no Biggie.

I gonna haveta tell her sooner or later, and no amount of nice deeds are gonna stop the shit-storm from coming!




  • At 4:04 PM, Blogger ac said…

    I hope you live to tell about it. HA! Good Luck Jet!


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