"Finally! Ask Jet Q&A...The Answers...FIRE5"

Hi Ho, people...Yeah, I'm still here...hit a few snags with the new PC and DVD Burning. But nothing I couldn't handle!

It's embarrassing really. When you install Windows, they always bug you to ACTIVATE it within 30 days. But when you install DVD X COPY, you have fool the system by turning your clock back to November 11th, 2003. So, without activating...and going back and installing DVD X COPY...I locked myself out when I restarted the system!

It's like walking outside without yer damn keys...

SO, Daniel-san had to do ova again...

It's a good thing no other programs were already on...(Always do the hardest and most important programs FIRST when restocking a PC!)

UNfortunately, now when I start up, there are TWO lines for Windows XP and it asks you which one you wanna start, the second its completely wiped out, but it doesn't know it...meh, no biggie...I can get used to it. (Or down the line, figure a way to fix it...)

So, once I activated windows and installed DVD X COPY successfully I did a test burn of "A Night at the Museum" (Which is VERY funny! I recommend it for everybody!).

It did it pretty fast...instead of 3 or 4 hours it took almost 85 minutes to copy (an hour and a half, roughly).

Satisfied, I concentrated next on using my card reader and transferring music on SD cards for my Player. Turns out, the Panasonic Jukebox software can't acknowledge internal card readers, jus the USB one that came with my player...SUX, but nothing I can do, there...The Card Reader can come in handy when transferring Photos and PSP data using the PRO STICK DUO bridge, so that's cool.

Heh, I'm jus realizing, anyone reading this probably has NO CLUE what I'm babbling on about...I might as well be writing in hebrew, here...I guess I jus wanna vent.

ONE more curve hit me when I tried burning a Home-made DVD of "Heroes" episodes I've been downloading...

It seems that the NERO Suite software that came with my USB Sony DVD Burner can only burn DVD's using THAT SONY burner and no other (Mainly the Acer's), so to make my custom DVD's I had to get around that and find a program that lets you create DVD's.

After a few failed attempts, I decided to stay with NERO, but move up a version and use a new serial code that I swiped from someone else who posted on TorrentSpy.

And now, I can say as I type this (9:30, Wednesday, May 9th...) I have completed a VERY fast burn of my custom made DVD of "Heroes" episodes 17-20!...AWESOME!

I think I'm gonna LOVE this new PC *SMILE*

NOW THEN!...On with the show!

Our first inquisitor was the Wild Canuck from the north...FIRESTARTER5.

I had no idea what "Google Earth" was, but after taking a peek...I was very impressed!

Leave it to a paranoid, American-loathing, Left or Right-Wing Extremist for find an Eye in the Sky! This is something out of "Enemy of the State!"

So this is what he does when he not looking at porn?...Hey, we all have our hobbies...

After experimenting myself and knowing not to give you an exact location about my stomping grounds, I decided to give you a rough estimate to enter...

"wadsworth avenue, new york, ny, 10033"

This will give a good shot of my neighborhood. You'll the Bus Terminal that leads to the George Washington Bridge, the highways that go underneath, everything...It's VERY detailed and the 3D effects are fascinating. I might keep it on my PC.

As for the second...

When it comes to being fear and being scared...there are some degrees that I feel I STILL haven't reached yet...

I've stared DEATH in the face...seen the mangled corpse of a girl I once loved after a horrific ordeal, I have suffered serious injuries due to moments of violence. I've been shot at from a distance due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I have also been stabbed with an Ice Pick due to mistaken identity, I've been mugged once and I've had the distinct displeasure of being engulfed by flames...

But fear, paralyzing, numbing, breathtaking fear is something...I just haven't experienced yet.

I only have a crazy memory of something my Grandfather did that had me shocked-sacred, for HIS life, not mine...

One summer afternoon, we (Mom, Psycho-Sis, and Me) were all cooling out on our terrace. Now, we share the terrace with our Next Apartment neighbor...there's a wall that divides it, with a thin railing on the outer edge.

So, the 3 of us are there, and we're nowhere near the telephone and far away from the front door.

Well, Granddaddy must have forgot his keys so he took it upon himself to go next door to our neighbor's apartment, go on THEIR side of the terrace and climb on the railing and Tightrope Walk his way to our side!

Imagine our faces when we see a 60+ year old man walking on TOP of the Terrace Railing...appearing outta NO-where and we're at least 5 stories up high, once slip and he would have fell and died!

We're screaming and yelling and then he jumps down and yells at us for not hearing him banging on the door!

He always had a practical solution to any problem...

"Oh yeah, I'll jus walk on the ledge and climb down on my side..."

I must have been 12 years old then, but to see him walking like he was walking on air...scared the hell outta me.

I know it doesn't have much to do with New York, which proves that the city is not really THAT scary type of place...

Okay, that's that...

NEXT UP...ac!




  • At 9:52 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    See, now that's interesting. So you're very close to the George Washington Bridge.

    I also thought that all the streets in NYC were like 4th and 33rd or 7th and 42nd.

  • At 10:02 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Heh, nah...plenty of streets with names...Wadsworth, St. Nicholas, Audbon, Amsterdam, Edgecombe, Cabrini, etc...How'd you find out about Google Earth anyway?

  • At 11:11 PM, Blogger ac said…

    I'm going to go google earth your hood right now. ac


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