"Five Questions you answer when you go to Heaven..."

There have been some cool quizzes out there these days or even mini-interviews as one would call it...I found a nice set of unique questions and I thought I'd give 'em a try...

1. If it came down to these three, which would you be willing to lose: Your sight, Your hearing, Your ability to walk. You must choose one.

I dunno, I've always joked about wanting the ability to be "Deaf at Will"...just snap my fingers and then I'd sign, "Sorry, I can't Hear You" with my hands. I also look at TV with Closed Captions, to prepare myself if I one day become deaf. It's the only one I can see myself living with. If I was blind, or couldn't walk, I'd be SUCH an invalid and a burden, I wouldn't live with myself depending on someone else to take care of me.

2. If you could start your life over again tomorrow, with your memory intact, would you?

Yes. Isn't there a musical number about that on "Snoopy:The Musical" or "You're a good man, Charlie Brown"?...

Just think of it gee,
How great it would be,
If I could go back somehow
And have my life to live over
Knowing what I know now

Quantum Leap, Back to the Future, hell even LOST shows us the benefit of Second Chances...

3. You're given $1 million and told you must spend it in one day and none of it on yourself. What do you do?

Donate money to every single library branch in Manhattan, they all could use the help.

4. Elvis Presley, Angelina Jolie, and The Devil are standing in front of you. Which one would you spend the day with?

I would like to chill with Elvis and share some peanut butter sandwiches with him, but I would probably pick the Devil. I wanna hear his side of things, and see if he was somehow responsible for tempting the sunovabitch who caused the accident to spike the drinks that night. To see if he would have done things different if he had the power. On my TV show, my character has a bit of a association with The Devil, sorta sympathy. There would be sight gags to portray this in every episode similar to "Seinfeld" and Superman.

5. Some say there are over 100 billion stars in the galaxy. Do you believe we are the only life forms among them?

I dunno, maybe. We probably won't see any proof in our lifetime, but sooner or later SOMEthing out there is gonna be discovered...



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