"What's making it and what didn't...a look at the Fall Lineup 2007"

Well, it's may, and along with sweeps, the next best TV event is finding out what shows are coming back...and which ones are gettin' the AX!

Today, NBC and ABC announced their plans which include a few shows I ACTUALLY might be looking forward too...

ABC, or "Anti-Black People-Channel" is benching LOST and putting in Dr. Addison-Sheppard (I know they got the divorce official by now, but I love saying her name like that...) with her LA clinic and crew in "Private Practice". For those who didn't see the intro 2-parter episode, The redhead from Seattle Grace will be joined by Tim Daly (I was in "Wings", remember and I was the voice if Superman!), Taye "Did ANYONE see my show "Daybreak"? Diggs, and Amy "I must have a thing for robes" Brenneman.

With a lineup like that even MOM's curious, so long as Taye doesn't end up with a asian chick (Mom is such a hater...)

Look for it to be Butting Heads with American Idol on Wednesday's at 9pm.

I hear it, and when I see it, I probably STILL won't believe it, but the Geico Caveman will be adjusting to life in the modern day living in Atlanta (of all cities!) in a half hour comedy simply called "Cavemen", Tuesdays at 8pm

This'll either soar like an eagle or drop like a boulder after one episode.

The only other juicy nugget is on Friday night, "Woman's Murder Club" is based on the James Patterson "Numbers" novels about a group of ladies in San Francisco (A reporter, A cop, A District Attorney and a Medical Examiner) that solve serial crimes.

I never read any of them, but Patterson & Serial Killers are like Peanut Butter & Jelly. With "Law & Order" leaving fridays, this should be fair game for elderly crime-show nuts with no lives.

Casualties of the ABC AX include George Lopez, "Knights of Prosperity" (Aw, I kinda liked that show..."Let's ROB Mick Jagger!"), "In case of Emergency", "The Nine" and my beloved "Six Degrees".

At least "Notes from the Underbelly" is coming back, that show was funny.

The rest of the favorites will be back, "Boston Legal", "Grey's Anatomy" (Still going against CSI!!!), "Dancing with the Stars", yadda, yadda, yadda...

OVER at NBC (or No-Blacks-Channel)

The CSI's can claim victory yet again as "Law & Order:Criminal Intent" moves to the USA network for one last season of new episodes, While the Original (and still the Best) moves to Sundays after the Football season. Joining "Law" on Suicide Sundays will be "Medium" which I guess is okay, I finally get something to look at now, aside from The Simpsons.

Over in the "NO DUH!" section, "Heroes" will be coming back! With a Six-Episode Prequel-like Spin-off Mini Series called "Heroes:Origins" in midseason...talk about DOUBLE the DOSE!, Ya-ta!

The only NEW show NBC's working on that interests me is actually a remake from the 70's. Get that ticking Bionic Sound Effect ready because the "Bionic Woman" is back! Can the Six-Million Dollar man be far behind?

Those football jockeys can breathe a sigh of relief as "Friday Night Lights" got saved from the AX, but apparently, "Wedding Crashers", "Crossing Jordan" & my beloved "Studio 60" are history.

Who only knows what CBS, FOX and The CW are planning, their line-ups are due later on this week.

Mom came back from Jacksonville today, and I sorta told her I took today off in protest of what they were doing to me.

Hopefully, this scanning position will come thru tomorrow and I won't have to tell mom the truth...

keep it cool, people!!



  • At 4:59 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    i've never seen hereos but everyone talks about it. do they do reruns? on dvd?

  • At 9:12 PM, Blogger Les said…

    It has a second run deal on the Sci-Fi Channel that shows earlier episodes, and it was just announced that season one will be released on DVD in August. The show is awesome!


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