"Because it's been a while...TAG!!!..You're all IT!!!!"

Stole this from the coolest reason to move to Minnesota

Lets go!!!

A - Attached or Single?
Y'kidding right?...I'll be single even after George Clooney gets married! (Which he swears will never happen!)

B - Best Friend:
*Sigh*, Taking applications...I only demand that you're not married or have kids and you don't leave town.

C- Cake or Pie:
Hmmmm, I'm such a picky person...plain ol' Yellow Cake for me...

D- Drink of Choice:
Tropicana Orange Twister, Grape-Lemonade Kool-Aid

E - Essential Item:
MP3 Player.

F - Favorite Color:

G - Gummi Bears or Worms?
Worms are gross, Gimme Gummi Bears...so I can BITE their heads off!!

H - Hometown:
NEW JACK CITY, baby...

I - Indulgence:

J - January or February?
both, January for the playoffs, February for the Super Bowl

K - Kids:
Hell to the Nah...

L - Life is incomplete without:
Happyness (Yeah, I spelled it with a "y", see the movie damnit!)

M - Marriage Date:
August 16th, 1993 (No Comment)

N - Number of Siblings:
Uno, 'less you count Step, then Dos

O - Oranges or Apples?

P - Phobias/Fears:
Cars, dying alone

Q - Favorite Quote:
"I'm getting too old for this shit!"

R - Reasons to smile:
Baby-Girl got promoted to 4th Grade (Even though she spells School "Scool" and Down "Dow"...God Almighty, help this child!)

S - Season:
Fall and Winter

T- Tag Three:
KimmyK (to bring her back from her absence!!!), AC, annnnnnd cuz I know he'd hate to do it, (LOL!), the Firestarter5!

U - Unknown Fact About Me:
If I tol'ja It wouldn't be Unknown anymore, wouldn't it?

V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals?
Don't eat enough Vegetables to qualify and I eat fish so...hey, you figure it out!

W - Worst Habit:
Letting my nails grow to Wolverine Proportions, I do this thing that drives MOM nuts, when there's no more Kool-Aid, I put the empty pitcher on top of her Dishwashing Gloves...It pisses her off to no end...

X - X-rays or Ultrasounds?
One Ultrasound recently, not a comfortable experience...

Y - Your Favorite Foods:
French Fries, Peanut Butter, Pizza...ya'll know the routine

Z- Zodiac:
Libra, the Scales of Indifference



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