"The Trip Home..."

I've been at this crappy job 2 weeks, now...been taken various routes home to see which one is the easiest to live through.

Waiting on a deserted train platform with nothin' but the rats to keep you company sucks!

However being surrounded by couples and party animals, drunks, druggies, skateboarders and psychopaths that just like to stare at you...ain't exactly great either.

It's like everywhere I go, everyone's living a fuckin' better life than me...

The Puerto Rican Day parade was today...and I'm right smack in the eye of the storm working east of 5th avenue in the 40's

Luckily, I managed to BARELY get thru the day at work.

I'm moving up in the world, they decided to teach me how to QC (Quality Check) someone else's work...ONLY because the current scanning was up to date (Already they running outta work for me!!!!!)

QC is cool if the person scanned everything good...if there any screw ups, the QC'er's gotta fix 'em. IT IS SO Boring, thou...staring at the screen...I was fighting the urge to slip into a coma

and I've been doing good recently in the sleeping department...

No Robert Goulet coming around messing my computer here!

Today was different, I almost felt like saying "If there no scanning work, can I just go home?", but I toughed it out.

And on the trip home, I took the cross town bus and got off at 6th Avenue.

I checked my bus schedule and the last 2 buses of the night swing by after midnight to take me home.

The last few days it absolutely FLIES up Riverside and breezes through uptown to the heights in no time!

But it looks like Sunday's the off night. My bus never showed.

I walked up to Times Square at around 12:45, still surprised the area with still bustling with life.

On a weekday, the 1 Train Platform at Times Square was so crowded, you'd think a concert was going to break out...

Tonight was different, it was actually vacant...but eventually people started to come around.

I saw a young couple walking by, the fella was holding a paper with a name drawn in some type of calligraphy...

"Yeah," I thought.

"That's how it starts...Paying some art-school dropout and having her standing still...just so she can say "That doesn't look like ME!", that's 10 dollars wasted, the mood has soured and all you can do is sulk at each other while you take her home...

Have fun, Lovers!!!...Nyaaaaa


I hate being alone...

After a long, torturous wait, the 2 train arrived, with MORE people getting off to wait for the 1...Finally the 1 train came and I got on.

It was around 1:30am now, and I was nodding off, I missed my stop and had to get off and wait some more to get back...

I finally get home at 2am more worst than weary, I got 2 days to myself now...I wish I could think of something to do with them...



  • At 6:13 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Look for a new job? I mean if you don't like this one. Or you could go on a picture walk and take pictures of shit all over NYC for those of us living in the country who'll probably never see what your life is truly like.

    Maybe someday. Hmm...

  • At 11:53 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Everytime I do picture posts, I get ZERO responses...I go thru all that hard work to show the city off and it's all for nothing...even when I post them on flickr...what would be the point?

  • At 10:26 PM, Blogger ac said…

    I'd look at your pics...

    I left a message for you one post down. ac


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