"A word with the Chief..."

Second day and I'm ACTUALLY scanning! On my own, HA!

Still, the crap I'm scanning is a headache. Some crap from Phizer about Lipitor. Charts, statistics, advertisements, brochures, form letters, nothing simple. What's worst, I gotta keep everything as is: Re-Staple, re-fold keep everything how the client sent it to us. It's handcuffing me from jus scanning everything quickly, but whatda gonna do?

Once it was prover I can hang on my own, my supervisor called me over...

"Les...is that short for "Lester"? she asked.

"No, ma'am...it's short for "Leslie", it's a family name."

"Well, aren't you a respectful one?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"You don't need to call me "Ma'am...makes me feel old."

"Yes Sir."

She frowned, "You don't need to call me "Sir"...Call me "Nicole"

"That's Informal, If you like, I can call you, Boss."

"I can see I'm gonna work hard to take that stick outta your butt!"

"How 'bout "Doc"?...I'm a real fan of the "Back to the Future" movies.

She shook her head.

"Early looks into your work from yesterday show you know what you're doing...and that's good."

I beamed a light of happiness at the compliment.

"We need people on Thursdays, Fridays and the Weekends", she started.

"And since Monday was a holiday and Tuesday you weren't here, THOSE will be your two days off."

"Shit." I Immediately thought, he Nelly Furtaldo concert at MSG is next Wednesday!...I'll have to sell my ticket!

"Ahem, No problem." I replied aloud.

"Good to have you aboard, you may go back to work."

I nodded, "Sure thing, Chief" and then left before she could dismiss the title.

Working both Saturday and Sunday was a bummer, but having Monday and Tuesday was cool.

I'm still getting the hang of things, I'm so afraid of missing something or doing something wrong, but I'll get there...I'll get there.

I like coming home at night again. I'm reading more on the train.

I picked up, yet another Spencer mystery to stay with his current ones..."Hundred Dollar Baby".

June's here so I'll be doing Laundry like no tomorrow soon (I do it every 3 months, Underwear, socks and Bedsheets, remember?)

In my excitement of working again, I forgot to answer KimmyK's "Ask Jet" questions, this coming Monday on my first day off I'll finally post that.

Expect some new links soon, courtesy of StumbleUpon...

It's making Internet Surfing a blast!




  • At 5:53 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    glad to hear you're appreciated.
    that always makes a person feel good.

    but whatcha gonna do with your ticket? maybe talk to her tonight and tell her?

  • At 12:02 PM, Blogger ac said…

    lol on calling your boss everything but Nicole. lolol


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