"Blah, Blah, Blah....Random Crap..."

It's 3:45am for I'm jus cracking my head open and letting my thoughts out for a spell...

First and foremost, I MISS KimmyK...I can understand taking a break, but damn, are you still alive? (Well, of course you are, you comment on a post every now and then...)

The Pandora Radio site ROCK! I know I mentioned it before but I just got back to listening again and it's introduced me to so much new out there music...

Sounds from the Ground, Bent, Star Castle...once again I find myself back-tracking albums based on just one song I've heard!

In light of this new music awakening, I have OFFICIALLY joined Napster, but rather than let those bastards access my credit card info, I have signed up via gift card and may or may not continue to do so every 3 months...

Despite joining Napster, I'm still getting new music through Torrents and other means...I finally heard Amy Winehouse CD "Back in Black", that chick has soul..."Rehab" and "Just no Good" only Scratch the Surface on how good that album IS!

As good as TRANSFORMERS was, I'm sure it'll make money this weekend, maybe even set a new Box Office record, I think Harry Potter will overtake it the next weekend, which sux because transfomers deserved to be #1 for at least 3 weeks...

The job has been ridiciously dead. there is minimal work coming through and its driving me nuts! I wanna find another job, but I don't wanna appear to be moving around too much...




  • At 11:42 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I've missed you too Jet. Thank you. Funny how people we've never met become an important part of our lives. You are one of those people for me.

    I didn't know you could "join Napster". So how does it work? You can pay a price and download any and all the songs you want? Interesting. I'll have to check that out. My kids usually swap music through MySpace which I'm sure is illegal as hell.

    I like Amy Winehouse. She has a unique look to her. Very different from what we normally see nowadays. Have you seen Alicia Keys lately? She's a beautiful girl. I'm surprised FS5 hasn't posted pics of her. He use to be so ga ga over her. I saw her last night on that Live EARTH thingamajig. She looks good.


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