"Funniest animated movie in my LIFE!...So FAR!"

Yep, Definately had to see "The Simpsons Movie" this weekend...

Even if it tired me out for work today.


This movie is so funny, words can't express...

20 years in the making, loyal fans will love it, and for the haters who have abandoned the show, maybe this will win them back.

The story is pure Simpson Zany Gold, and there's even an heartwarming message that gets expressed.

I think the best part of the show's Move-to-Film is that they broke the barrier provided by Network TV Censorship! We finally get to see Homer and the Gang, HARDCORE! (Well for PG-13 standards!)

And it's GREAT!

Without giving away TOO much, the movie has THREE history-making moments for all time...

1)The rumors were true...You actually see Bart's Ding-a-Ling...Unbelievable!

2)As Homer escapes an angry mob, he gives them a double One-Finger Salute!

3)And finally, the best of them all, Marge, known for famous Baby-Talk phrases like "Fudgie-Munchkins!" and "Ow, My Tooshie!" or "Move your Keister, Mee-ster" actually says "G*ddamn!"

Fox takes a few pot-shots at Disney too, good for them, this movie probably blows away "Shrek the Third", "Ratatouie" or "Meet the Robinsons", which by the way despite the original 2-D look, the Animation still seemed impressive.

I hope the movie cleans house this weekend at the box office, it has some stiff competition with the Lindsey Lohan thriller and the Catherine Zeta-Jones Romance flick.

Saw some cool trailers for the future starting with that DAMN "Alvin and The Chipmunks" movie! Others included "The Bee Movie", "Horton Hears a Who" (They're going a bit too far with these Dr. Seuss movie now...) and "The Nanny Diaries" with Alicia Keys in a supportive role (That girl's been busy! 2 movies in one year!?)

anyhoo, it's 3am and I'm VERY, VERY tired and still got one more day of work to go...


And remember, "If you shake more than twice, you're playing with it!"

Not the epiphany I was looking for either, but VERY funny when you think about it!

It's a 90 minute laugh-fest...Better than ANY other animated TV Show brought to the Big Screen...(Beavis and Butt-Head, South Park, That Lame-ass Family Guy DVD movie)

The theater was crowded and applauded when the credits rolled.

Stay for extra scenes during the credits!

I might see it one more time on my day off tuesday!



  • At 5:56 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    ADAM and ABBIE saw it Friday night. They both said they liked it. Ab thought it was funny that some ad ran in the middle of the movie for "So you think you're smarter than a 5th grader". Smart advertising if ya think bout it. Abbie said the whole audience sang along with the "pig" song? Not sure what that is.

    I haven't watched the Simpsons in probably 15+ years. I can't imagine Marge cussin' though. Does Lisa still suck on her pacifier and is she talking yet?

    No desire to see the new Lohan movie-but I don't do scary movies anyways. The Zeta-Jones movie though looks cute. Love a good romance comedy.

  • At 7:42 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    Like Sienfeld, I haven't seen one episode of the Simpsons in its entirety.

    I'll just wait for Die Hard 4 to come out on DVD. Tonight I rented Deja Vu...

  • At 10:51 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Okay I went to see NO RESERVATIONS. Loved it.
    I'd actually watch that one again. And I never do that.

  • At 12:15 AM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    I've seen the beginning so far (I work at the theater and sneak in to *check on the people*). It was a riot so far! I still like the Simpsons but with school and other stuff it's just not in the schedule to watch. Doesn't come on at the right time for me. But I may get the dvds.

    Yea I don't want to see the Lohan movie either. I actually want to see Skinwalkers.


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