"I saw it and it was GOOOOD!"

I'm home, and it's goin on 7am...just got in an hour ago.



There was an EVEN BETTER reason to see the movie...

This crazy, mysterious trailer for a movie Produced and Directed by "LOST" creator J.J. Abrams!

There is this big mystery to this movie, IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A NAME!?!?!?!?

All we know is it comes out January 18th, 2008

The trailer is unbelievable and has so much buzz it left the audience totally freaked out!

I would describe it, but I don't wanna spoil it, they've putting right of "Transformers" along with trailers for "The Simpsons Movie" ("Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig..." LOL, classic!), "Rush Hour 3", "Superbad", and "Hot Rod" (Which looks funny, but with no stars)

But that Abrams movie...whoo! There's not even any info on imdb.com!

After a bit of searching, all I got is a codename for the project:"Cloverleaf"

If you wanna read more check This Article but be warned the article describes what happens during the trailer, but you should see it for yourself...it jus blows you away...

This sorta hype reminds me of "The Blair Witch Project"...and if I know Abrams, I know he has something up his sleeve!


January 18th...could that also be the week LOST comes back for Season 4?



  • At 6:59 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I thought of you today and wondered how the show went.
    Glad you enjoyed it.
    Now onto this movie-I'm gonna have to check it out....thanks for the heads up.

  • At 10:14 PM, Blogger ac said…

    I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I was so hoping you would.

    Are you going to give a review or do I hafta see it myself? Huh! Huh! HA! ac


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