"One to Remember..."

All you Oscar heads, take note...

"Gone, Baby Gone"

This will be the "Departed" of 2007

Only Scorsese didn't direct it...

Ben Affleck did.

Yep, try not to freak out, the movie sells itself even if a monkey would have directed it.

Anyone who's read the Dennis Lehane (AKF Mystic River) novel KNOWS this is going to be GOOOOOD.

Benny's had the rights to the movie for the longest and has been trying pen the script and produce the damn thing...he takes up on Directing it AND casts his brother of all things for the lead role.

I finally saw the trailer on Yahoo, and I tell ya...

It's got "Oscar" written all over it.

Yeah, we have the explosive blockbusters and sequels, but every nowandthen, you root for the below the radar sleeper classic-in-the-making.

Do yourself a favor, start reading the book, now...

Be warned, thou...the subject ain't for the meek...and the ending...WOAH.

You heard it hear first.



  • At 9:58 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I can't wait for this one!

    I love Ed Harris!

    I did see the trailer for Cloverfield-ya think it's like Godzilla or somethin? That would be sucky if it were...

  • At 11:17 AM, Blogger Les said…

    A lot of people are thinking Godzilla, yeah...but some are even going as far as believing it might be MOTHRA of all things...seeing the Statue of Liberty's decapitated head hurling down the street was VERY spooky!

  • At 11:38 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Okay, Mothra? I'm gonna have to Google that and see what that is cause I dunno. The video clip I saw was off of someone's cell phone so seeing it was the Statue of Liberty's head rolling I didn't realize that-I did see something go flying I thought it was part of a building. Yeah that would suck.

    Why NY again though??

  • At 1:15 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Mothra is sorta like Godzilla's nemesis, back in the days one monster wasn't enough they needed TWO so they could duke it out (Sorta like Aliens vs. Predator). The roaring sound effect sounds just like Mothra and he was known for spitting fire balls rather than the flaming breath that Godzilla had...who knows, thou? If they keep this all a secret till 1/18...that will be awesome!

  • At 1:34 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Hey guess what we found when cleaning stuff for the garage sale? Jamie shit load of comic books. He was a big Groo fan. I forget what else he had...I'll have to take inventory and I'll get back to ya. All this comic book hero stuff is new to me...although I do know that characters like Spidey, Batman etc have been around for YEARS. He found the Ninja Turtle comic books I bought him when he was 14 years old. That brought back some odd memories. He was as old as my daughter, Abbie when we first started dating. WOW. Mind blowing.

    good to see your using that chat box thing you have on here. *rolling my eyes*

  • At 2:06 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Ha, ha...funny...I try to log on meebo when I have the chance (sorta). My god, I remember Groo!, he was a caveman samurai(?) with a big nose! He was awesome...Hey, i'm sure those comics are worth some cash now, especially if they're in good condition!


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