"...Part 2"

2:30am again so my rambling continues...

where the hell was I?...

Pandora, Amy Winehouse...Transformers verses Harry Potter....

Oh, ya!...The JOB.

Damn, man...friggin work's been DEAD...D-E-D, DEAD!

I had an extra 3-day like holiday and after the 4th Thursday, we barely had enough work to keep us busy till midnight! Then Friday we worked till 9 for a quick five hours!

The weekend before, things went light and we sat around and didn't do squat to get our mandatory 4 hour work day...we were play SPADES in the damn break room, WTF!!!

Hey, I don't mind sitting on my ass doing nothing and still getting paid, but damn...this is JUST like the other place I worked for in The Village back in 98 near the end...business went so dry, I walked in wondering if I was going to even stay the night!

Still I hung in there till they told me "Don't come back, anymore" then moved on to Chase in '99...damn, is that gonna happen here, too? What am I some sorta jinx? Everywhere I go business goes down, there's a merger or something!

Last weekend, we played SPADES (Which I know how to play, but really not that good at...) THIS weekend, I came prepared! I brought Baby Girl's UNO cards!

That's right, baby...UNO! the REAL party card game! Screw Texas Hold 'em and all that shit!

So, we start the play, and I come off the bat and ask about the rules...because if you know UNO...THERE are dozens of variations of RULES!

They introduced me to this new technique I've never heard of call "STACKING"...it's such bullshit! If you have the same number as the card delt, but with different colors, you can STACK(!) and throw them ALL down at once!

WHAT the HELL is that!?!?!?

So what if I was delt seven 3's?...

Man, whoever made up stacking was someone who kept losing at UNO!

Then they had this crazy ass rule that the "WILD" card could pass the Pick-up count (Draw-2, Draw-4, etc, etc...) to the NEXT person...WHAT THE HELL?!??!

I'd play UNO in Junior, regular High School, and even at the Library (They'll even be playing it on my TV SHOW!...I will BRING the popularity of UNO BACK!) and I have NEVER heard of these crazy ass rules!!!

Speaking of the TV SHOW...KimmyK mentioned this weekend (Yay, she's BACK!) and I feel I should get back on the writer's desk again, I've strayed away long enough...sometimes when you can't think of anything to write, you step back...but the you go BACK into the fray...

Despite getting no reactions on the SimplyScripts website where I posted the PILOT, I plan to post Episode 2 and maybe 3 on there and maybe enter the Pilot in another screenwriting contest...it's so hard to find ones for TV, thou...everyone wants friggin movie scripts these days...

"Transfomers" made 157 million in seven days to set a record, best 7 day opening box-office for a non-sequel...jus imagine then how much part 2 will make in 2009! Studios reported that the movie did well due it's fan-base (Of course), but also because it was well received by Mothers who took their children along...I guess it's light-hearted humor (which was torture to hardcore fans) hit the spot with the regular moviegoer...In hopes that everyone's seen it by now, I'll do a post with my reflections on it later on this week. (for the record, I've seen it 3 times now, I haven't been so insane about a movie to see it repeatedly since "X-Men 2"...I love Nightcrawler!)

I saw "Alpha Dog" this weekend on DVD...that movie was DEEP! Diss him all you want, Timberlake represented...this movie was one messed up story of psycho white teens acting more ghetto than 50-Cent will EVER be, and to top it off, it's a True Story.

I also saw "Norbit" this weekend, and If Eddie Murphy makes one more movie insulting Fat People, Imma put a bounty on his head as if I was Jabba the Hut!

I wanna take a note now to address something...Making blogs Private. There was a new blog I discovered through someone else that I liked and now it's becoming private only allowing readers known to the author.

I find that VERY hypocritical (Boarderlining on STUPID!, but I don't wanna get ugly up in here...), I find blogging as a medium of expressing thoughts, opinions, observations or just sharing and exposing your life to others. It should be flattering if someone is to stumble upon your collective works by chance, but they can't do that if you put a fence up!

It defeats the purpose...now, okay...I could possibly see if you were sharing too much information and there were possible stalker issues to think about, but thats where you take advantage of the anonymity that is the internet! For anyone to blab their business in the open forum and then say..."I don't want certain people hearing this" is dumb! Keep your secrets and don't start a blog in the first place! I'm even sorry I found your little pocket universe now...I won't miss it!

I've think I've rambled on enough now...it's goin on 3:30, I'm hot and tired...

I'm going to crack open a box of DIBS...




  • At 10:41 AM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    Oh yea I came across a 'private blog' too one day. I'm like WTF??? I understand the privacy thing, but if you don't want people to read it.....write in a damn journal. Although I do understand the decision now that employers can find your pages and see what kind of person they are really hiring. Then again, if you are that different from what you are at work, you don't belong there. If I don't want someone to know what I'm thinking about someone/something/some place, I won't write it. Or I will tell that person first. THey will know how I feel, then I can blab all over the internet. Dumb asses.


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