"So what DID happen??"

Some said it was like a Volcanic Eruption.

Others believe it REALLY was a Terrorist Act there's a big cover-up so we can keep out valued record from being tarnished.

"No acts of Terrorism in the US since 9/11"...Oh yeah?

Most believe it was jus plain ol' negligence on behalf of good ol' Con-Ed!

Whatever it was, Pictures don't lie...

As you can see, A tall pillar of white smoke just shot up in the sky! Then came the rain of concrete and rubble...anyone who just happened to be nearby...

And once the smoke cleared, the damage as a result was stunning...

A huge gaping hole in the middle of the street BIG ENOUGH to nearly swallow a tow-truck!

We got hit, HARD.


Based on what I saw yesterday evening...things seem a bit better under control.

We're finally learning.

The area was secured and things were about moving everyone AROUND the area VERY quickly, keeping them away and safe.

There were no delays or miscommunications, or running around with our heads cut off for us THIS time around...

One can't help the notice the timing of the incident, 6pm, the middle of the evening rush hour. Grand Central is ideal spot to cause a disruption that would affect a lot of people. Tourist, businesses, etc...

Did you ever see that movie "Bad Company" with Chris Rock and Anthony Hopkins?

Weeks before, around the 4th of July there had been rumors something may go down involving the subways...we've been on alert since.

but in a way, something like this seems a bit small to be thought out and planned.

This is NOT the first time a steam pipe has blown in the city.

I don't remember, but in 1989 the same thing happened further south, but still on the east side at 20th street and Gramercy Park.

If by some miracle...the injuries were moderate.

There's been only 1 fatality at the moment, a woman who suffered a Heart Attack while running away from the scene. What is SO spooky is that she worked for Pfizer (one of our biggest scanning clients) and her office was RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from us!

The other serious victim was the driver of the Tow Truck sunken in the crater...a 23 year old college student who was scorched by the steam at full blast and now has burn over 80% of his body.

It must have been a terrible experience to be there and I still can't believe how close I was to it! Any other time, I could have been me walking along those streets! That could have been ME!!!

At the end of the day thou, this last picture captures the True New Yorker spirit..

It's that love we have for one another that brings one to hug another jus because they still standing...that they survived the whole ordeal.

This shows that no matter what's thrown at us...we'll still be here and tomorrow will be just another day in the city that never sleeps.



  • At 10:10 PM, Blogger ac said…

    Thanks for the recap. I've been more than a little out of touch. Man... I don't know what to say. That is some scary shit. I'm glad you are safe. Please stay that way. ac

  • At 9:02 PM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    You know, we can be "on alert" all we want, but the shit will still happen. And it will be when we least expect it. NYC is a mecca of things happening isn't it? Glad to hear you are alright and that it was contained

  • At 6:48 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Holy crap.
    That's all I can think to say at the moment.


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