"A 1000 Words"

Normally I don't do picture posts despite pleas from KimmyK to take zillions of pictures around the city. All that hard work and no one comments on them. But in light of recent events it would take my mind off things...

The Workload. Boxes lined up in the middle of the room as we take batch by batch and scan them!

At my Desk. Instead of a cubicle, we have long connected desks with machines on them, working side by side, elbow to elbow...

The Water Truck. Ever wondered how all those trees and potted plants hung on the lamp posts ever get watered? Why the use the Watering Truck of course! It drives around the city on its route watering the plants one at a time.

You wouldn't believe how many times The CHRYSLER Building gets mistaken for the EMPIRE STATE Building, only a TRUE New Yorker can tell the difference!

This sign is posted at a nearby building...I wonder what could be so secretive about a building that would require SUCH high surveillance. Could it be an CIA Shadow-Ops facility?

Waiting for the bus going home at The HBO Building on 6th Avenue. It's NOT TV, It's HBO!

Riding the Bus home after a long evening...

And Finally, a pic in the hallway near the steps.



  • At 4:57 PM, Blogger ac said…

    Hey! We got pics!

    Thanks for the tour!

    I loved it.

    Are you sure that's not the empire state building? HA!

  • At 7:07 PM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    "no one comments on them"

    that hurt. right @here@

    I'm not a NYer and I know the difference between the two sheesh.

    dude don't you know you are supposed to SMILE for the camera?!? you look like such a hard ass hehe

  • At 9:20 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    i'm like totally flabbergasted.
    you posted pictures!

    okay first of all, a water truck? you gotta be kiddin' me with that shit. a water truck. water truck? ha.

    do you scan all those boxes in one night or is that like one week? when you scan how do you feed those in? it's not like lay it down-scan-flip it over-scan is it? that would take hella long time. interesting.

    that building is COOL as hell. how high is it? i dont think i could work in a high building like that especially in NY after ya know...it would give me waves of panic i think.

    oh yeah, that comment "all that hard work and no one comments on them"....well that sucked. i love photos and i love the fact they take you on a journey. especially NYC. sheesh. you're talking to a girl who grew up in a town with 300 people. how many people live in your building? maybe that many? that was my town. ENTIRE town. ask FS5 they drove tractors around town and everyone knows everyone and their entire families. so seeing your world through your camera lens i think is very exciting. because i don't know that i will ever see the chrysler building or one of them fancy smancy watering trucks.

    sheesh a watering truck.

  • At 1:32 PM, Blogger Les said…

    None of ya'll EVER reply! I've been cycling back to find my last picture post and I haven't found ONE with comments! FIRE's the only one who posted one thing on the night I went out to Queens...you find a post with pictures and comments and prove me wrong!

    Anyhoo...thanks for commenting here, I appreciate it.

    I know how to smile, I jus rarely do in a picture...LOL

    Imma post some of my pics on this new website community thats taking all my time...

    I am so cracked up over KimmyK's amazement of a water truck...LOL

    Ya'll made my day, peace!

  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger Les said…

    P.S. ya'll not a bit curious about that security building with the 28 cameras?

  • At 8:58 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Oh LR don't feel bad. He RARELY comments on my blog as well, but it's okay...I still love him and besides blogging for me isn't about the comments...it's about getting shit out of my head that's taking up space.

    But yeah, that water truck cracks my shit right up. The 28 cameras? Everyone is suspicious of everyone these days. Doesn't surprise me...especially in NYC.

  • At 11:51 PM, Blogger ac said…

    NOW I'm curious. I wanna know about the building. ac

  • At 6:30 AM, Blogger Les said…

    Okay, okay...you got me there, but Ladies (KimmyK and Red) a post from ya'lls blog averages 20 comments or more and I'd KILL for that many, so I value comments a lil more than others might.

    I'm Sorry.

    Since this post did well, I'll consider doing another...

    Once I stop getting my cyber-freak-on with a mysterious someone that I have been enjoying talking to the last few weeks!

  • At 12:34 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Jet you douche....it's quality of readers and commenters not quantity. you have the cream of the crop of the blogsphere reading here-trust me. freakin weirdos out there. so yeah, what's up with the girl and the late night hot chats?

  • At 8:39 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    'bout time I seen some goddamn pictures.

    You took a pic of the 28 cameras sign, but let's see the building. Is there no name on it? What's the address?

  • At 3:23 PM, Blogger ac said…

    Jezuss on a pogo stick... Can't you stop cyber-freaking for 2 minutes and tell us about the building? HA!


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