"Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

Okay Okay!, I'm here okay!?!?

I'm SOOREE, If I happened to be a BIT Preoccupied!

But in the words of Peter Parker in Spider Man 3....

"The suit...the power....It FEELS GOOD!"

I've been on this other network all hours of the day and night, reading Message Board Posts, caming and chatting...and romancing with a special someone. (Tee, hee, hee)

OMIGOD, I can't BEGIN to tell you how we're doing...


I've learned my lesson from last time, no matter how good this is looking (AND IT'S LOOKING SO GOOD, TOO!) I'm NOT revealing ANYTHING on this blog unless it happened weeks ago...and even THEN, I'll be vague!


I literally TEAR myself away for the moment to do an update post...

1)Baby Girl is back from North Carolina! And the poor pudgy boo-boo gained 13 pounds tipping the scales at Jaw Dropping 106! Psycho-Lesbo-Sis was NOT happy at all by that recent predicament.

2)The weight thing however didn't stop her from throwing yet again another outdoor oriented "High School Musical 2" themed Birthday Party this past weekend (The 25th). The lil' one turned 9, and even though I wasn't able to attend due to work, with my burned DVD of the movie "Bratz" (Boy wasn't THAT a box office BOMB!) and CD's of the "HSM 2 Soundtrack" I did my fair share of help.

3)Mom renewed the LEASE of the place for 2 more years...come the end of 2009...our situations have to be improved a bit or else it's time to go our separate ways. I only point this out because this school thing was really my last shot and trying make things better and now that's been shot to hell, I'm finally starting to be afraid of my future...

4)Meanwhile things couldn't be any EASIER for Psycho-Lesbo-Sis...she finally finalized an apartment deal in a new high-story complex where she and Baby-Girl will share a one bedroom apartment on the 22nd floor somewhere closer in the bronx with Section-8 paying the ENTIRE share of the rent (Fuckin' sonovabitch!).

Okay, so, that's about up to date as things are...

Once again, I apologize for the inactivity...

Sooner or later, I'll Detox from....this other site and be back to normal...

As for my cyber-freaking and Fone-Boneing (See "Careless Whisper" post!)

Um, I'm SORRY! I can't promise you nothing there!!!

The post title would suggest how our relationship is goin...

Hot and Heavy, Fast Paced, Out of Control!

We know so very little about each other, but we're CRAZY FOR EACH OTHER!

Call it MAD LOVE if you will...

Like HarleyQuinn and The Joker...

We've had some spats, but made up just as fast...and I'm walking in a mine field trying not to fuck this up so quick.

But Mark your calender cats and kittens...October 12 to 19th, She's coming to NYC!

and all we have planned so far is an innocent Afternoon Picnic...


As of this morning...

The TEST of WILLS has begun!

Me, being the gentleman I AM, have NO plans, intentions or agendas of...how do you say..."Tappin dat Ass" as soon as she arrives.

I want to take it SLOW...Despite the growing amount of Phone Sex we're having!

My chastity will NOT allow me to be overtaken by my primal urges...She's starting to mean THAT much to me.

And not prejudging her, but early indications are leaning toward her thinking otherwise if our first encounter goes well...

Translation:If she's feeling me when we meet...It's ON!

She had made it clear via "Tara Reid-I'mma RAPE ME some MEN" hint-wise...

If she wants it, she will BREAK me, and have her way with me...

And I may be all like "Begone! Impure Thoughts, Begone, Impure Thoughts!, Thou shat not TEMPT me, Satan!, No, No, No!" fighting it all the way to the bedroom...

I do not plan to yield!

I...I...care for her TOO much.

I won't make this turn into a "Boy in every Port" fling...

HOWever, in the long run...will this work if we both fall for each other?



  • At 11:12 AM, Blogger ac said…

    I laughed all the way through this post. You are so cute. She'll be feelin' you alright!

    I'm so happy that you are having such a great time. No one deserves it more. ac

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Okay so will there be pictures of said encounter from October 12-19th? Just askin'...simmah down.

    Glad you posted...you have alot going on in your life right now don'tcha? That's a good thing. I hope you don't give up your dream of going back to school. You give up too easily...you need to fight for these things that matter. [read: calling cards, your school, the girl, wanting a new life in a new apartment] You can do so much yet you cut yourself down and I don't know why you do that? Why do you do that?

    Phone boning? I haven't heard that expression in about ten years. You young kids today-*shakin my head*

    Baby girl gained 13 pounds? Dude I can gain that in a weekend if I were eating me some southern foods-shhhooot. OMG. I don't even wanna think bout it. But school is back in session and she'll be running around on the playground and she'll lose that weight. Good that your sis is getting her shit together too. Is she still a lesbian or did she change her mind again? Just wonderin'.

    Okay it's back to work for me. YEAH I come home on my lunch hour and check in on you. That's the kind of friend I am.

    If you would turn that damn Meembo on once in a while or check your email I would yak atcha on Messenger. Oh but then that would require you to tear yourself away from your other life in that chat program. Gotcha. Been there done that.

  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger Les said…

    Okay, I'm sorry about not being on Meebo, I was good for awhile before discovering this other network. Imma try to get back on so I could dish privately with anyone curious, LOL!

    Thanks for missing me, I really appreciate the love and sorry about the emails kimmyk, they go to my hotmail, whereas comments go to my direct address.

    I felt obligated when AC lest that last comment on the "1000 Words" post, I couldn't stop laughing, so this morning (After a quick post-fone bone nap!) I got up and did a post...

    Like I said, I'll be on Meebo for the rest of the day if ya'll come back, if not...I'll TRY to log on between 12-2pm before leaving for work.


    PS If there ARE are pictures from the 12-19...I'm SURE they will make ya'll BLUSH!...LOL!

  • At 7:37 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    You're goin' soft on us Jet.


  • At 12:35 AM, Blogger yorlor said…


    "Is she still a lesbian or did she change her mind again? Just wonderin'." ... gurrrrl, imma bend you over my knee and slap your ass raw when i get to ohio. you leave jet's sister be. who cares who she's bonin' long as girl is happy and whoever she's with treats her right. all ya'll who say "it doesn't matter" then fuck up yer botox cuz some lesbian bat her eyelashes at a manfolk. ... sheee-it.

  • At 12:25 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    LMAO Yorlor!
    She swishes this way and that way....I don't care who she's doing, but if you've read Jet long enough-you'd know he does. [I just love to point out that she's a lesbian to Jet that's all-just the idea of him getting all flustered makes me laugh out loud] You know I heart me you silly gay girls!

    Now I'm laughin'. Thanks Yorlor..and..Jet!

  • At 12:43 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    Hey Jet. Alicia Keys has a new single. If you haven't heard it yet you can find it if you go to BERG'S Pizza off of my blogroll. He has all the new music first. Just incase.

    I thought of you...isn't that nice of me???

  • At 1:31 AM, Blogger Les said…

    Sorry KimmyK, I missed it, it's no longer available, if you can send it to me, I'd appreciate it...

    and for the record, YES Psycho-Lesbo-Sis is still doing the "L-Word" thing LITERALLY! Allofasudden she likes that show!...Sheesh!

    Thank you Yorlor and Welcome to the SHOW! (Yay, I have a new regular!)

  • At 7:57 PM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    I agree with KK here. Don't give up. Doing so quite easily makes me feel for ya. Because you CAN find a way. It just takes a lot of work. No one else can help you but yourself. It may be small, but you have supporters here in the WWW and I don't think any of us are goin anywhere soon.

    Those "other" women may come in and out of your life, but "these" women will be with ya through the long haul. Maybe not in the WAY you want "these" women, but hay!

  • At 2:30 AM, Blogger yorlor said…

    oh jet, i could tell you a story or twelve about psycho-lesbian-melo-drama, it's called "why yorlor has been single so fucking long" or "one woman is headache enough, why would you put two of them in the same bed?"

    as for the L word, i watched an episode wherein the head lesbo couple was trying to get pregnant and the MD recommended turning the one in the stirrups on, the better the sperm dponation would take, so the curly headed brunette just bends down to drink from the well of goodness!!! as if a well established lesbian couple couldn't get arroused without munching carpet!

    and THEN they try to get some beautiful young man drunk and in bed [which, to be honest, is kind of hilarious] and he balks when they tell him he doesn't have to use a condom, and he accuses them of being donor happy homos...

    and i'm supposed to date someone who thinks this is a good show about my people?

    ... pukes.

    best to your sister.


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