"Are you Blissening?"

Ya'll know I still LOVE and Worship "'Da Dawn" so I jumped at the chance to check 'em out at the Knitting Factory when I heard about it thursday.

The showtime listed was 9pm, which there were a few opening acts, but the show really didn't start till 11.

Doc G. aka Doctor Giggles basically carried the show while Prince Be did the "Teddy Pendergrass"-thing performing while sitting on a chair (and eventually lying on the Floor!). It could have been Jet Lag or jus regular fatigue, the duo were jus in Houston last week and Doc. G was celebrating his 35th Birthday. They felt a lil homesick (Originally from growing up in Jersey) so they quickly booked this New York show with little notice.

Thus, the turnout was also light (no more than 30 people tops), good thing thou, the place is a broom closet as it is.

The set was full of classics and even new upcoming tracks (One sampling Tom-Tom Club's, "Genius of Love"). I had an early morning tomorrow, so around 10 to midnight, after 8 songs, I moved to the back and left.

The trains were a bit crazy and I managed to get home by 1am. It was nice treat to go out tonight, if I stayed home, I would have been furious watching the Eagles lose to the Redskins.

It's been an emotional rollercoaster...Vix, Miss Robinson, Opal, Concerts, My Birthday...

This year, I've decided to celebrate turning 32 in the next 10 days. Treating myself to certain pleasures and gifts each day!

I've traded up my Digital Camera (Which was acting up after getting a lil wet during a...*ahem* Shower photo shoot for Vix...) and got a HEAVY ass Toshiba PDR-4300 4.0 Megapixels and a cannon zoom lens.

The best thing bout this new one is, it has a REMOTE!...for those *Special* shots...

Tomorrow's the funeral, I have no idea what's gonna happen...I'm a frantic mess...



  • At 10:10 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    did you see the girl?

    water sports? omg. you freaky deaky.


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