Emotions make you do stupid things!

or they make you WANT to do stupid things!

Okay check this out...

The website "community" that I've been addicted to has these events called "Meet and Greets".

They take place all around the states at various places, Miami, Texas, Georgia, California, yadda, yadda, yadaa...

There is one that is happening the weekend of my Birthday (Sept. 28-30).


Dayton, to be exact.

But not necessarily Dayton...Miamisburg, OH which is within Dayton.

Peeps are going, coming from all over and nearby...

VIX is GOING too.

Now, at first, I didn't give a damn...

BUT certain circumstances have arisen that I cannot disclose and as the time draws near...it is fucking eating me up inside.

SO this morning I played out a scenario...

Let's say I tell the job I need at least 4 days off...

Let's say they don't fire my ass for such a request...

Let's say I book a room at this cheap ass roach motel they planning the festivities at (The Super 8 Miamisburg Dayton South Area, OH @ 155 Monarch Lane)...

Let's say I get a round-trip ticket for an 18 hour bus ride from New York to Dayton for only 90 dollars...

I get CLOSE, but STILL too far. The greyhound station is right smack in the middle of Dayton, and Miamisburg is a bit South.

A cab seems outta the question...

There lies the dilemma.

I COULD try to call one of my cousins in Centerville and see if one of them could possibly drive me the rest of the way....but what are the odds in THAT?!?

I gotta think of something...

An alternate private Bus line that can take me closer...


God, I can't even stand OHIO (No offense), nothing out there but land...

When I was out there 4 years ago, the place was more deserted than the place Kanye did that video for "Can't tell me Nothing".

Nothing but nothing for all the eyes NOT to see...


I gotta get off this site...



  • At 5:34 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    I get off work on Friday's at noon. I can pick you up by 2pm.

  • At 5:38 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    i just mapquested-
    it's 17 miles between dayton and miamisburg.

  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    You got it bad. Yea, get off the site before it's too late! LOL

  • At 10:38 PM, Blogger Les said…

    O laud, Kimmy, I wouldn't ask you to do that, LOL

  • At 12:58 AM, Blogger yorlor said…



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