"Here's some stuff I'm throwing against the wall!"

Okay, time for the quick hits of information to consider...

* Vix is MOVING to New York in November, so now her visit in October seems to be a bit of a waste and may be canceled.

* Joe is selling me his PS3, he's finally bored with it and for the umpteenth time I'm buying a hand-me-down advanced system from him at probably a crackhead price (Can we say $200?!?!?)

* I'm SO damn close to working my 500 hours at this job for this damn temp agency. Once I get to 500, I'll be hired officially by the company for a permanent position. The question is with the damn workload fluctuating and this cheap ass pay DO I REALLY wanna stay here?

* The company that MOM's been working for in the past 10 years has announced that it's up for sale. It's either looking for a buyer or has found one and transitions are in the making. At MOM's age she's not expected to be kept and is planning to take any severance package offered and try to find an easier job. This of course will affect how we somehow plan to continue to pay this skyrocketing rent.

* I'm turning 32 next Thursday...I jus don't know how to react to that statement.

* Despite our relationship, I'm starting to think I'm jus a phone whore for Vix considering we phone bone every sunday/monday morning. I think she's still feeling me, I'm jus feeling neglected as of late and don't wanna say anything to piss her off.

* I think I'm finally ready to reveal the network that's been taking up so much of my time away from this blog.

* Everyone knows how I feel about myspace (The Dark Side...) well HELL has officially frozen over because MOM, Sis, and even Baby Girl have talked me into making a Family page, I am so embarrassed and disgusted at the same time.

* I am totally scared shitless that FIRE5 has diabetes.

* I am going to the dentist for the first time in years because I'm afraid Vix may freak out about my teeth.

* I can't help but point out every time I go to a doctor in anticipation of something revolving a girl I'm dating (Sex, first meeting, etc, etc...), I seem to always get unique news.

* I sometimes wonder if it's all worth it...Love, work, family...

* I then take a look at a picture of Vix...and gather strength from it (Yep she's THAT HOT!)

* Vix's first name is the same as "New York" from "I Love New York" 1 & 2 on VH1 (Ha! do the research if you dare!)

* Vix adores guys who wear fitted hats, should I compromise myself and change into someone I'm not jus to appeal to her taste? Would I ask her to do the same?

* As someone turning 32, I feel I'm too damn old to be wearing a fitted, I mean, I can wear a plan 'ol baseball cap, but a fitted is "fitted" to your head size to be tight on your head and it's sorta a thug type fashion statement.

* I wanna hire someone to be my personal photographer for one day, jus spending the whole day taking pictures of me roaming around the city...

* Vix has judged me as being narcissistic because I believe that the cryptic messages she posts in the Message Board threads and on her Yahoo Status line are always about me, am I wrong?, am I paranoid?, and if they're not about me, why the hell is she thinking or talking about OTHER men from her past? And if they ARE why the hell won't she jus TELL me!??!?

* I really wish I was incapable of Falling in Love very quickly. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm a Libra.

I think I'm done for now...absorb and reflect on all this and give me your opinions.



  • At 8:13 PM, Blogger ac said…

    I'll be back later after I 'absorb'.

  • At 1:23 PM, Blogger Ladyred said…

    Interesting stuff.

    I'm a Libra too but I don't fall in love like you say you do. So it's not that.

    As for the cryptic shit, you just get into trouble trying to figure out what it all means. That's how misunderstandings happen. If you wanna know just ask (if you don't want to know the answer then don't ask). First off, well never mind on that whole subject. Won't matter what I think/say anyway.

    I have a Facebook account and I'm not too fond of it. But it helps when I have to keep in touch with the kids in my classes or some shit.

    You reminded me I do need to get in to see the dentist. I was going to see a doctor but I cannot afford it (even with insurance, nice eh?). But I think my dental insurance will pay most of it, and I think I'm having a problem with a tooth. THey will probably want to do a root canal. I say rip it the F out. I have two other molars on that side.

    Diabetes is manageable and if he changes his lifestyle can go away.

    It's worth it if you really truly want it babe. But you have to want it for you, not someone else. Really.

    Don't change yourself for someone else. Again do it for yourself. All kinds of problems start when people want to change others. Don't like you for who you are, then they aren't worth it.

    I'd photograph you all day. You wouldn't even have to pay me a whole lot. Only problem is I don't have a day I can get up there to do it for ya! One day though I do want to visit The Big Apple. I really want to!

    Happy birthday (I doubt I'll be online to post that)!

    Just my opinions.

  • At 11:35 AM, Blogger ac said…

    Ok. I'm done absorbing and reflecting.

    I'm with the lady on not changing yourself to suit her. Wear the hat you like to wear. If she likes YOU, she'll like you in the hat you are comfortable in. If you wear a hat you're not comfortable in, you will be uncomfortable and distracted and you won't be at your best.

    I don't know what to say about the job thing... I think I'd stay until I got through the upcoming shuffle with MOM and her job and Vix moving to NY. If you stay with this job there will be one less thing to stress about until some of the other things work themselves out.

    You're almost ready to tell us where you've been hiding out? Cool. We're ready when you are.

    Oh NOOOOOO. You're lost forever... Do we get a link to the Myspace family page? I come here so much I starting to feel like family. HA!

    Relax a little. Slow down and just enjoy this thing you are doing with Vix. You don't want to put it in a box just yet.

    It takes time to build a good relationship. Don't worry so much about love and life. That takes all the fun of out it!

    R. E. L. A. X.

    E. N. J. O. Y.



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