"No title can express the emotions of this post."

5:30am I was making Kool-Aid after a brief IM session with Vix.

I was thirsty, and I couldn't go to bed without a drink.

MOM got up to go to the bathroom, looked at me as if I was crazy, then stepped forward.

"Leslie, Big Jenny came upstairs today, Miss Robinson died."

She said it so fast, it took a second to register it...

I then dropped the ladle in the pitcher.

Miss Robinson took care of me the minute my mom brought me home from the hospital. From 10 months old till I was four, she was always there for me.

Her granddaughter, Opal...she was my first crush, my first experience with love...and my first heartbreak when she ran away from home...

MOM explained that the proceedings were on Tuesday, Wake and Funeral on the same day.

So soon, it wouldn't give time...

for HER to come back to the city? Come back from California...would it?

For years I feared this day...

That I would come face to face with that little girl that disappeared in the night...

Will she remember me?

Will she recognize me?

Opal's sister, Jenny (Little Jenny) reminds me of her everytime I see her.

It's scary how time has gone by.

Miss Robinson lived a good long life, I can't really morn for her rather be happy she's at a better place.

I wonder what's gonna happen Tuesday.



  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    You're off on Tuesday's aren't you? You'll have no excuse not to go to the wake/funeral.

    Oh yeah, don'tcha think it's funny that your mom was awake and at that moment when you finally emerged from your room that she said something??? Remember, momma's know...we know what you're up to...*ha!

    RIP Miss Robinson.

  • At 7:20 PM, Blogger ac said…

    So sorry Jet. I hope things go well for you on Tuesday. ac


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