"As the world revolves..."

So, putting the Vix soap-opera in the back burner, She MAY move up her in November, or later. It's so uncertain and up in the air.

If or when she gets here, there's a good chance the magic will have passed.

She's going thru some personal stuff right now that I cannot divulge and it's straining our already deteriorating friendship.

She's with her mother in a hotel, so we no longer phone bone and...well that's all I'm saying.

I'm really starting to think something is cursed about me.

It's like, whoever I fall for, misfortune becomes them.

I'm considering renaming myself Da Black Cat Named JINX.

FullFiggas started a weight loss challenge from today to December 23rd.

I agreed to try and lose 20 pounds and get under 300.

My basic regiment will be cutting back on eating and walking more...

and where I walk, I will take pictures.

Let the suffering begin!



  • At 10:53 AM, Blogger ac said…

    Sometimes the best stuff will simmer on the back burner a long time before it turns into something great.
    I'm just sayin'...
    Good luck meeting your weight loss goal.
    Walk it off. Don't forget the camera.

  • At 12:24 AM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    good luck with the weight loss challenge-you can do it. it's a great time of the year to get out there and walk. i'm looking forward to the pictures.

    as far as the girl goes? i'm sorry you're sad/hurt by it all. keep your chin up and know there's plenty of fish in the sea.

  • At 10:27 PM, Blogger kimmyk said…

    well it's been almost a week since you've posted...

    what's new?


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