"Devine Intervention"


JOE didn't want me to come down THIS weekend...

thus, I didn't really wanna come...

But I also didn't want to change anything SO...

Leave it to the Guy Upstairs.

Sunday morning I got a call from Delta...

My monday morning flight was CANCELED due to the impeding SNOWSTORM coming to the northeast. The rescheduled me to a later flight that would have had me in Jacksonville at around 3:30pm...

...That was the LAST straw.

I called Delta, asked for a REFUND to my credit card rather than another ticket credit, canceled my motel reservation and then told JOE off over the phone.

I was done with HIM, Jacksonville, and his Namby-Pamby life!


I then went to work, where the OT offered was nothing compared to the TYPE of work that was being thrown to us! It was SO horrible it turned me off any idea of staying extra late. It started to RAIN at 8pm during lunch, and when I left at midnight, it turned into a LIGHT SNOW...

Come this morning, there was Jack SHIT on the ground!

They said we were gonna get 6 inches or more...NOTHING!

All that effort in prevention, what a complete waste of time.

BUT, it was jus not meant to be.

THIS is it, thou...

Like friends from my past


I am NEVER talking to that moron again...

I am putting out an ad:


For movies, playing video games, and fooling around with computers.

MALE, Age 26-33, MUST live in the city and MUST NOT be MARRIED or with KIDS!

FREE PSP for applicant.


I'd join Big Brothers, Big Sisters, but I hate kids...




  • At 9:49 PM, Blogger Firestarter5 said…

    Blame the weather people. Everytime a cloud forms in the sky they say that we're all going to die and the Four Horseman will be coming to cart away our corpses.

    ...then the sun comes out.

  • At 7:34 PM, Blogger ac said…

    I'm sorry you are feeling like life sucks. I can understand because I have felt like that a few times in my life. I don't know why or how but those times didn't hang on too long for me and I thank baby Jesus for that!

    Like fireS5 said...

    The sun will come out tomorrow.

    I know it will. This is the year of Jet!

  • At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You shouldn't be so cut and dry. Things happen all the time with people, places and things - and well - Things happen. Learn to take things in stride and not get so upset... I would have gone to Florida anyway just for a change of pace but - you didn't - and look at how much extra money you saved? Isn't that great!?!?
    I would really encourage you to be a big brother. You don't hate kids as much as you say u do - and I know so because you are a big kid. Find an older boy - he could turn out to be one of your best friends.


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