"Confessions of a Cam Whore pt 2"

Yep he's at it again...

"Was That over the Top?...I can never tell?" Jim Carrey (The Riddler)

"Party like a Rockstar..."

I got five hours of sleep and apparently it's good enough for the day.

LAST night at REMIX, I was a bit more sociable that the previous time. There were fellow FF members from Cali that were in town, and one even from Ohio. The place with insane with people thou, I did all I could to try and find a stool at the bar but it wasn't happening. I had to keep moving all around in hopes of not being in the way of someone trying to dance.

A local member that I have been chatting with also showed up and sought me out. We chatted on occasion and were getting friendly. She's a stand up comedian who performs in clubs all over the city.

When we finally met in Remix we stood together the entire time I was there. We tried conversing but he music was blasting. She pressured me real hard to the dance floor where I tried to actually step lively without embarrassing her.

We had a good time and I mentioned wanting to see one of her shows sometime. At 3:45am I said my goodbyes and worked my way to the exit, where one last member recognized me and said Hi...

I'm not gonna post any pics that I took because they were of other members and I wasn't in any of them...LOL

But I did take one in the train station while on my way home...

I had the "Beef and Broccoli" (Brown & Green) think workin' for me and the Turtleneck was very smooth.

The place is crowded to really enjoy yourself thou, I have ridden subway cars packed with fans going to Yankee Stadium that were more pleasant than maneuvering thru a club for 2 hours.

It's a good thing I only do this once a month, I might take a break in December, thou...

I'm not really expecting much work later on this afternoon, cuz of the holiday things are a bit slow again. I'll see what happens.


"A night at the REMIX Pt. 2:Electric Boogaloo"

Goin' to REMIX tonight for another BBT Party to meet more peeps from FullFiggas.com

I have a VERY bad sore throat and I sound like Don Corleone from "The Godfather".

My Wolverine Healing Factor is in Full Effect.

I even called out sick from work (Due to lack of work anyway, yesterday I came back from the holiday jus to work on the PRODUCTION side paper pushing!)

We'll see if tonight goes better than last time...

Least I won't have VIX to wallow over this time around.

Wish me luck tonight!

"Thanksgiving Double-Feature!"

With Psycho-Lesbo Sis jus moving in her new place there was no way in hell I was going over for Thanksgiving.

So I decided to go to the Movies.

I never saw SAW 4 or 30 Days of Night, and Gone Baby Gone was the last thing I did see in a theater (No, I didn't see "American Gangster" either, if that makes me a sellout, ya'll can jus kiss my ass!). I was waiting for "Hitman" for awhile cuz I used to play the PS2 Game (It's SOOOO gaddamn hard thou!), I caught the 12:45pm show after watching the Parade on TV during the morning.

For Once, the weather was actually nice on Thanksgiving...it was a beautiful sunny afternoon.

I was kinda tired from working and staying up last night so if the movie turned out to be slow, I was in for a nap.

"Hitman" unfortunately, WAS slow, VERY slow. Confusing story, not enough action (The best scene was the four-man swordfight in the train car you sorta see in the commercial. It was weird seeing LOST's "Desmond" away from the island, he had a bit part but it almost made me miss the show a lil (Think I'll relook at seasons 1 & 2 this weekend...). The guy from "Deadwood" also looked weird with a shaved head but he was true to the part. He didn't SOUND like the video game character cuz I think the assassin he played was supposed to be much older. They really should had done everything they could to keep Vin Diesel or talk Jason Statham for the role (I heard Jason denied it in fear of typecasting), ironically enough, Diesel still got a Producer credit at the end...I was like WTF?!?

The movie ended at 2:15-2:20 and across the way there was a 3pm showing of "Beowulf". Considering I put 12.50 on my credit card via Fandango, I think I was entitled to sneak in another pic!

Before I go into Beowulf, the trailers I saw were kinda cool. In February, Hayden Christensen tries to get out of "Vader"'s shadow by playing a teleporter in a Highlander-rip off called "Jumper". Anakin's met his match played by a silver-haired Samuel L. Jackson hunting these "Jumpers" for sport (I think...). The whole thing Reeks of "Heroes" & "X-Men" with the special effects, all these guys look like fake-ass Nightcrawlers swishing around and going over great distances like Hiro Nakamura.

Then there's "Wanted"...Damn, assassins must be the new thing this year, but then again, they've been around since La Femme Nikita, Point of no Return, and The Long Kiss Goodnight and lets not forget The Bourne Movies, Mr. and Mrs. Smith...yadda yadda yadda...and speaking of Mrs. Smith...Angelina's playing with guns again! This time she's recruiting young...High School young! Morgan Freeman and Common (Yeah, the rapper...) show some kid (WHERE did they find this dude and WHUT is his name?!?!) how to do what his dear ol' recently departed daddy did (Lots of 'D's there...). The movie seems filled with crazy ass stunts that John Travolta wish'd he did in "Swordfish".

I also saw the infamous "1-18-08" movie from the Transformers Summer spectacular. It officially have a name now (As if it didn't have it already), "Cloverleaf"...apparently the name comes from the army's new designation on what was once Central Park in the aftermath of the complete destruction of New York City by SOMEthing! Yeah, the Statue of Liberty gets beheaded, yeah everyone's turning into a video taping tourist all of the sudden, and NO you STILL don't see WHAT the hell the damn thing IS! For all this mystery, it better be damn well COOL!

Okay, Okay, 2008 is looking like its gonna kick ass, got the memo!...let's move on.

"Beowulf", okay...all I can say is..."Ehhhhhh!" It was i-ight, jus nothing to write home about. First off, the CGI technology. I never saw "The Polar Express" so this unique style of animation was alien to me. Damn, 2 weeks ago I could have SWORN this was Live Action and Beowulf was played by Sean Bean! Why did they decide to go this route? Cheaper?, Cost-Effectively?, Didn't think the make-up would be right to age everyone 50 years later on?...C'moooon!!! Hollywood's jus getting frickin' LAZY! Actors are getting old, and these up and comers of Young Hollywood SUCK! So everything's being done on a laptop...Hell with THAT! Is this is what's to become 50 or 60 years from now? Will Cinema go out the way of Radio Theater? Will we settle for Life-like, tricks of light to replace the flesh and blood thespian?....HMMMMM, Could be!

IN all honesty, this cutting edge animation felt no different from "Shrek", jus a lil less cartooney, but animated jus the same. They try to sell the seriousness of the movie by making it a bit more violent and throwing in some adult slight gags and occasional rear nudity. There's even some "Austin Powers"/"Eyes Wide Shut" item placement or scene hiding so you don't have to be grossed out by CGI gonads (Rumors are there will be an unedited version released on DVD for Artistic Integrity purposes only...Riiiiiight.). But HEY, don't forget...Angelina Jolie's in this TOO!

That's RIGHT! Fanboys 14 and under will be DROOLING (As Beowulf did) when they first lay eyes on Grendal's Mother! ("Grendal's MOM...Has got it going ON!"...don't laugh cuz I know that white song!).

I snagged a pic jus to enhance the memory!

HUBBA HUBBA HUBBA!, she all covered with gold and shiny like an OSCAR!...YOUZA! True you don't see Nipples or a Camel Toe, but it really leaves little to your imagination

Okay, pardon me a moment while I pick up my tongue...

Storywise, the movie ROCKS! Finally! A period warrior tale with a message. Taken from the ye olde Poem that gave nightmares to those who studied it in English Literature class. The story on how Power, Lust and Pride can corrupt noble men who stretch the truth too much is something to be admired. They changed things up a bit for Hollywood standards but came away with clean hands on a screenplay that collage professors won't bitch about (Or will they?). I kinda slipped in and out of this one due to my weariness (I gotta stop staying up late!) but enjoyed most of it more than "Hitman". I'm sure the movie even Kicks ass in 3D, but I ain't willing to pay 15 to 17 dollars to try and find out in an IMAX theater. There were nice extra touches here and there, Grendal and his Mother speaking Old English and a couple of sexual innuendos that might go over the kids but make you take a second glance (The way Grendal's Mother strokes Beowulf's sword as he points it to her...OOOORRR maybe I was seeing to hard into things!)

Anyhoooo...the movie ended at 5pm, and I came out to some light drizzle in the dark afternoon.

I called the house when I got home around 6pm, MOM was not really enjoying herself at Psycho-Lesbo Sis's new place with very little furniture, no hospitality and TOO many strangers coming and going (Happens every YEAR! That's why I stopped!) Sis also tried to show-up me by giving MOM a new set of pots for her birthday, it was so huge she had to take a cab home! (Real smart, SIS!). Presents are always a disaster with me, so I jus decided to buy her that new Joel Osteen book she's been gushing about. She never even started reading the library copy I got her Monday...It'll probably take her 2 years to read it like the first one he wrote.

Well, that concludes another TURKEY day for this year...now we just gotta get Christmas outta the way.

Hope ya'll had a better one than mine...


"The Latest Guilty Pleasure..."

A long, long time ago...there was this show called "Pasadena", Staring Dana Delaney. It was about this privileged family of socialites living in Southern California when one day a murder and the cover up sends the daughter on a journey that ends up revealing the family's DEEP, DARK secrets...

The characters were so unique and soap opera-ish, you jus HAD to eat it all up...

The mother fantasizing about having an affair with a Mall Security guard, the Black Sheep of a brother-in-law stealing jewelry for some sorta addiction (can't remember if it was gambling or drugs...), the storylines were a nice change from the cheerful and bright crap that was on TV at the time.

Sadly, the show lasted a short 13 episode season and faded into obscurity...

There were other attempts later, "The O.C.", "Skin", "Veronica Mars", yadda yadda...

But now a NEW show has recycled the formula and tugged at those early memories once again.

This time, I hope the show doesn't get the ax!

When I first heard the title for "Dirty Sexy Money", I thought "More Glamor Pop crap" with boring storylines and pitiful character being portrayed by movie stars that had no business on TV (There's only enough room for ONE Sutherland in prime time television!)

BUUUUUT...a month ago while things were light at the job, I came home early one Wednesday and caught the 3rd or 4th episode.

The premise seem interesting.

An idealistic young successful corporate attorney (Played by that dude from "Six Feet Under", Guess both brothers went on to better shows considering the other one is a CSI/Serial Killer in Miami now...) Finds out his father pulled a "JFK Jr." (I know I'm wrong for the reference, but it fits.) and takes over the family business of handling the affairs of New York City royalty (Think Donald Trump but older and with more kids...) all while solving the mystery of his father's..."Death/Murder(?)".

Five children, spanning all kinds of Social Circles, all with interesting quirks...you just can't get them out of your head!

*The District Attorney - Running for Senate, he seems like the prodigal son, but he has a skeleton in the "closet"...an extra-martial affair with a woman...WHO USED TO BE A MAN!

*Daddy's Lil' Girl - The spoiled brat who spends money and gets married as the seasons change, Liz Taylor got nothing on her!

*The 'God' Son - A priest who married a chinese woman who had 2 children of her own, then finds out he has a son of his own out of wedlock.

*The Mischievous Twins - Think Paris Hilton and Prince Harry, twice the celebrity, twice the trouble!

As if the kids weren't problems enough, turns out the mother of the family had an affair with said family lawyer/dear ol' dad...and MAY have fathered one or more of the five.

Which kinda gives some incentive for the Husband to bump off the guy and make it "look" like an accident!

How can you work for someone who possibly killed your father and with a family where one of the kids could be your very own HALF brother or HALF sister?

Throw in the Spoiled Princess's feelings for the guy (They had a history way back when...) who also has a wife and daughter and you got yourself a Love Triangle/Murder Mystery!

And the tip of the iceberg, ya got Blair Underwood (of all people) casted as a mysterious villain/ally(?) walking in and out of the shadows like The Cigarette Smoking man in "The X-Files".

THIS show has promise...

No gimmicky Flashbacks (Sorry LOST, I don't mean it like that...), no Super Powers (Ditto for HEROES ya know I still loves ya!), no Hour-by-Hour, but a continuing storyline nonetheless, and with the backdrop New York City (Instead of Cali)...the show is something I can fall in love with.

The cast is great, Donald Sutherland, William Baldwin (A Baldwin on TV??!?!?!), Underwood...all keep my VCR busy while I'm at work.

There's jus something about seeing RICH WHITE people with Dysfunctional lives that makes me smile.

I think its the same thing with watching people getting parking tickets...


I recommend this show for anyone who stays up late...come to think of it, the show does come on in LOST's old time slot, Wednesdays at 10pm....hmmmm, wonder what they plan to do about that...

"Da ROC BOYZ in the Building Tonight!!!..."

...This is black Super Hero music right here baby!

American Gangster

Taking flight, Coming to a town near you.

Soon as I touch down I want you to start the horns like...
(Trumpet sounds in)

Hovie's home...Lukie baby, Hahahahaha...owwwww!...

That's RIGHT! After a bit of a hiatus, I HAVE RETURNED!


MOM dragged me across 3 damn electronic stores looking for an HDTV and I missed last night's episode of "HEROES"


But lemme start from the beginning...

The day started with an unexpected treat...SNOW!

The first SNOW of the winter, Yaaaaaaaayyyyy!

BUT, It was only Eye Candy snow, none of it was stickin' to the ground.

It eventually stopped and I went out to the Library at 12 noon to pick up a book I had on hold, Walter Mosley's "Blond Faith".

There's been speculation that the book was the final entry into the infamous "Easy Rawlins Mysteries" that have spanned over 10 books.

I'm one of those who read the last page before starting the book and it leaves things pretty open for debate. Sorta like Sherlock Holmes in "The Final Problem"

While, looking around, I was also lucky to find a copy of Joel Osteen's new self help book that I planned to buy for MOM on her Birthday.

After the library, I went to Radio Shack.

After 2 days of searching thru craigslist, I finally gave up on the ipod search. I had heard too many bad things from reviews on amazon. I decided to stay with my 'Powermaster SD-Card Player' and get more bigger cards.

There was a new format of cards becoming popular, SDHC cards, which promise faster transfers for cameras and audio players BUT only worked on certain types of High Tech doohickeys.

I decided to test out if my player was one of those and brought a 4GB SDHC card along with 2 regular 2GB SD Cards. Around 6 months ago, a 2GB Card set you back 60 dollars, now there were only 24.99. The SDHC's have emerged and a 4GB was 44.99. I was told to open it carefully and if it didn't work, I could bring it back.

I came home around 12:45 and tried the 4GB card on my player...


I kept my coat on, packed the card back in and went back, exchanged it for a 3rd 2GB card and got the difference in cash.

SO, I can only use the regular SD cards out there (Which go up to 16GB, I heard) and finding any big ones were gonna be tricky.

Around 2pm, MOM called from work and said she wanted to try and get her DREAM HDTV tonight instead of Thanksgiving Day as originally planned. She figured none of the stores would be open and she was probably right.

She needed me and my technical savvy but I was only off Monday and Tuesday so...

We started our way downtown to 86th and the East Side around 6:30pm. I told her I really wanted to be back in time for "Heroes" at 9, but I knew better.

The bus ride too forever, we got down to 86th street at around 8. Mom said if we found a TV we'd take a cab back, which would have been cool.

We walked past Best Buy on Lexington and went to Circuit City on 3rd Avenue first. The minute we went to the HDTV section, mom was overwhelmed. She has a RCA 25in TV now in her room, and she couldn't believe the sizes of the 32's. She had no intention of hanging it on a wall mount and she was afraid of our dear, clumsy boo-boo (BABY GIRL) tipping the damn thing over.

We compared picture quality and prices of a few sets. I had printed out the comment I received from a reader on my last entry and valued his advice. MOM almost consider a set by POLAROID (of all people) that was going for 649.99. I had to explain the history of HD to her and the difference between 720p and 1080p, the importance of contrast ratio (1200:1, 3200:1, 7000:1...etc, etc...) but I might as well been speaking in Klingon cuz she had no clue what I was talking about. We weighed out some Panasonic verses Samsung models but nothing stood out that grabbed her.

We then trekked over PC Richard's and Son for a moment. All their TV's we mounted on walls and that threw mom off.

"They all come with bases, MOM...the store jus hangs them up!" I explained, she didn't get it so we walked right out. It was 8:30 by the time we walked into Best Buy and I knew I was gonna miss "HEROES" and we probably wasn't going to buy anything.

MOM's jus not ready. A 32 inch would take up her corner a bit too much, it's going near her closet which she'll be in and out of all the time (Along with miss Boo-Boo) and she would basically have to rearrange her whole room. We had hour heart set on a nice Sharp model, but changed our minds at the last minute. It's all too much. We're used to paying 250-300 dollars at most for a Television. To invest so much when we don't even HAVE digital cable to begin with (Thou I heard you can catch basic HDTV signals for the regular Big Five networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and CW?), it just doesn't seem worth it.

We got home at 10 on the dot, which means I didn't even see a teaser for NEXT week's episode...I was SOOOO pissed!

She could have done this ANY other night I would be home but monday (which I guess only leaves Tuesday)...She told me she'll go back and find one on her own now that she knows what to look for (Rolling my Eyes), I scoffed it off and figured she'll chicken out again.

Least, she didn't settle for some Piece of Crap she saw in Wal-Mart...

I looked at "CSI:Miami" and figured I could catch "Heroes" online eventually then chatted with my new "Work-in-Progress" fill around 2am.

The remainder of the morning, I did some "Neo"-type hacking investigating how to update my SD-Player's Software program "SD-Jukebox Version 4.0L10" I found an upgrade file that couldn't find proof the original version was on my PC. I was exploring Panasonic's Japanese site and jus downloading other crap to see if I could get it to work. Jus something to pre-occupy my mind.

Other than that, I'm back, baybee...

Today I plan on getting a Suit Jacket to wear with a Turtleneck this saturday at a FullFiggas Party in Club Remix. Yeah, I'm goin back for the heck of it. I also plan to visit the Delta Ticket office near my job and arrange a flight to Jacksonville to see JOE next year. It's kinda cloudy this morning, but imma still do my running around...

Till then...


PS I got more pictures coming!

"Kick in the Keister"




Huh?, er, um, Ah, Waah?



"Ya gotta update the BLOG, man!"

The Wha?!

"THE BLOG!, Ya remember? The Show must go on, Man!"


"I mean, jus because the Writers are on Strike and the Stagehands on Broadway are too...don't mean YOU gotta sit back and Phone it In on here with flashy picture posts and what not...C'mon man! What happened to the opinions!"


"...The Movie reviews..."


"...The TV Show and Music interests and observations!"

*scoffs* Haaahhh!

"You have an obligation to your readers!"


"Now, stop wallowing in your sorrows about your Love Life and get back out there!"


"Tell 'em how your into the newest shows this fall like "Dirty, Sexy, Money" and "Woman's Murder Club" and "Moonlight"!


"Tell 'em how FUNNY "Weeds" has been and you're sad to see the season end in another cliffhanger this week..."


"Tell 'em how you've already made a new cyber-nookie friend you plan on seeing pretty soon when you visit JOE in Jacksonville..."


"Tell them out there how this OT you've been doin has got you Big Pimpin and considering getting a wack-ass ipod or sidekick for all your troubles..."


"And tell them how you feel you're ACTUALLY losing weight due to this lifestyle change of eating Yogurt and Drinking Water the past 30 days!"


"Now get out there and DO this BLOG proud!!!!!"

AllRIGHT!!!! I'll do a real entry.....Tomorrow. (Goes back to sleep)

"Oy Vey." *Shaking Head*

"Imma teach ya how to STUNT!"

Been doin some serious Overtime on the job, the weekends have been crazy.

Bout 3 weeks ago sunday, we came in and the powers that be LOWERED THE BOOM on us. The weekend supervisor gave us the typical "Frank White/King of New York" speech about us slacking off, getting soft, going slow, and jus plain gettin away with shit.

And we were all basically feeling "WTF?"

I mean, it ain't OUR fault business has been slow!

These sorry ass sales reps ain't bringing in the accounts!

But, the little shit they did bring in, got done, end of story.

Now, they wanna pull on the choke chain a little bit, put the foot down on our necks and piss everyone off.

As of result, there was a change up on our shift. Two guys went to work on the 3rd Shift (12 Midnight to 8am) and improve things a bit. 3rd shift previously had been known as a joke with a rep for messing up the work and sleeping on the job.

Add that with one other person leaving to take a training course in the Tech department, the once unstoppable, always reliable Second Shift crew of 10, has now become 7.

Like rats deserting a sinking ship...

I feel like jumping, too. SO, I made a plan to look for something part-time or otherwise in the afternoon, and maybe switch to 3rd shift myself.

I'd get my weekends back, I've worked the overnight shift before practically at the Bank of New York...

SO, flashback to last monday (no, not yesterday, the monday BEFORE)

I get an interview with...

*Dramatic Pause*

...The New York Public LIBRARY!

Yes, the very same employer that fired me oh, long ago!

The position in question? Book Scanner for an online library project sponsored by Google.com. The position was temporary, only till 2009, but still...

This could have been my chance to go back...

I dealt with the dilemma of whether I should reveal my history with them or try to go in with a clean slate.

The day of the interview (Tuesday, a week ago today.) I was so nervous, I was 10 minutes late...it was pretty much a disaster from that point on so I went with full disclosure.

By Thursday, MOM did me a favor by opening and reading the rejection letter they sent me over the phone during my lunch hour. It was raining that night, and I jus felt like walking around in the rain for the whole hour dwelling on the missed opportunity.

I think I had that movie "Pursuit of Happyness" in my head. I really thought this was gonna be my Turning Point moment. When everything was gonna start getting better.

Guess I was wrong.

SO, that night (Thursday), A SHYTload of boxes came in...84 boxes of a hundred.

They lined up rows of 5 in the middle of the room to make a "Great Wall of China" within the office. The work was selective (We weren't scanning EVERY single page within the boxes), we were only scanning "Exhibits" tabs within the many binders and binders inside. Each book had court transcripts (which we were ignoring) along with various numbers of exhibits related to a Lawsuit against credit card companies (Visa, MasterCard, etc...) and the introduction of the Debit Card/Check Card.

The deadline for the job was Wednesday (the 14th...can you say pressure!?)...The OT went into effect and we were asked to stay overnight if we could...

Shhhhhiddddt! You didn't have to ask me twice! But THEY did come late afternoon and I wasn't in a mood to kill myself that first night.

So, I worked that Friday (into Saturday) till 5:30am, then threw in the towel. I wanted to work the entire shift till 8am and let 1st shift take over, but I couldn't hang. And besides, I had to be back at 4pm to do it all over again!

Saturday night into Sunday morning, I worked till 3am. Along with the 84, a second job of 15 boxes came in and both were a priority, at midnight I switch over and tackled 2 of the 15 in 3 hours and it tired me out.

Sunday going into Monday I really wanted to go the distance, especially since Monday was my day off. I got a second wind at 2am, but it was short lived and I clocked out at 4.

A lot of people didn't do the overnights, they elected to come in early (around 12 noon) and mingle with first shift. Issues with seats came up (We only have 10 spots, and of those 10, 2 machines were broken, which meant they could be used for QC (Quality Checking), but not Scanning. First shift also took advantage and stayed into our shift a few times which made things...TENSE (We basically don't get along...sorta like East Coast/West Coast BEEF)

SO, all this killing myself crap made me think about one thing...

Spending MORE dough! (Stoopid, I know...)

MOM decided to treat herself for her B-day, using her last bonus (The company is being sold and soon she's gonna be downsized) to buy a LCD HDTV. She has this crazy concept of finding a 32in for less than 500 dollars. And she only wants either a RCA or SONY (We have a history of buying the same brand of TV's). She somehow found a Wal Mart flyer for a RCA listed at 342 and asked me to look into it. We don't have a WalMart ANYWHERE for miles!

As for me, I've been entertaining a few ideas...

*An iPod - YES, I'm thinking of turning over to the DARK SIDE, exchanging SD-Card every 324 songs is starting to get annoying...all the albums I'm downloading, I need something that can hold EVEN more! I wanna get like a 60GB one and jus dump ALL my songs into it.


*A few more bigger cards - The SD's are going down very rapidly, a year ago, a 1GB card was damn near 75 dollars, now they're 24.99, 2GB's were 119.00, now THEY'RE 59.99. 1GB is holding 330 songs at the moment and for some reason, I'm breezing thru all of them while at work. I have one 2GB SOMEwhere in my house but I can't find it (It might be in my old digital camera I passed to MOM or under my bed somewhere...), but I need more, I might price some 4gb or 8gb cards (If they exist) and see how much music they can hold.

*A new damn cell phone - I've had this cell since I moved back in with MOM (Goin on 3 years) and it's battery is on death row. I charge it, the phone turns off after 5 minutes (Keeps charging, I think?!?!)! I unplug the charge, turn the phone on, it dies after 2 hours! There was a time, I'd leave this phone on and unplugged for DAYS and it would still work...I need an upgrade, maybe a Sidekick (Okay seriously, the OT is goin to my head now!)

*A zoot suit - Well at least a regular suit, my interviews have been disasters because I hate wearing a Tie & Blazer, maybe it's time I invest in ANOTHER 'Last suit I'll ever Wear'.

*A piece of ass - Yeah, I got that itch that needs to be scratched again...go thru this every Winter. And as usual, I have my eyes on a few ladies that I have been researching...

*A new online subscription - FF is starting to get boring and VIX had the nerve to go undercover under a new screen name so I'm thinking of packing up and moving on after the Weight Challenge is over in December. I miss playing my Video Games so I was thinking of GameFly.com which is like Blockbuster or Netflix for Games, you sign up, they send you 2 games in the mail, you keep and play them as long as you like and then return them. OR I've been thinking of going back to Fling.com, I miss the webcam action I had over there.

*A trip - Bad enough I still have that Raincheck that's about to expire, but I wanna go somewhere else for a few days. My work schedule SUCKS Thanksgiving week, I have MONDAY and TUESDAY OFF, but I have to go in Wednesday AND Friday!...the day AFTER thanksgiving! I NEVER had to work the day after in MY LIFE!!!

So, that's about it...Work, OT, more dreams shattered, more bullshit, mo money, mo murder, mo homicide...

I'm going out to buy the new Alicia Keys album, I need some harmony in my life.


Yeah, I know I haven't posted in awhile...

I jus be doin my downloadin thing and online thing too much.

over the last 2 days I've downloaded:




CASSIDY ("My drink N my 2 Step"?...don't think ya'll know him...)


Michael Jackson's exclusive 2008 album.

That's a lot to listen to

Can you believe Seal had the nerve to let Heidi Klume sing a duet with him? She's a model! She can't sing!!!

FYI: Alicia Keys 2nd single "Like you'll never see me Again" brings me to tears every time I hear it.....God I miss Deidre so much...

ANYhoo...been doin some crazy life-altering stuff lately...lets see if it all comes to pass...


"It's official...I'm a Cam Whore."