"25th Hour"

Remember that Edward Norton movie where he plays a Drug Dealer celebrating his last days of freedom before doing a 7 year bid upstate? That was me and mom this weekend. This is OUR 25th Hour, Psycho-Sis is going down to Richmond, Virgina and meet up with her Baby's Father's family to pick up my niece. The two parties decided on traveling to a neutral spot in the middle to save the family from driving so much. My sister's going down by bus where she'll pickup the little monster and head back to the city. By this time next week, we're back to the bullshit babysitting duties.

Oh, well...it was fun while it lasted. I felt me and mom should have done one last trip anywhere today, but it was too damn hot.

I rented "Troy" friday and we saw that for the first time. In high school, I studied "The Iliad" and the Trojan War so well I knew it like the back of my hand. I like how the movie followed it to the letter. Mom thought it was too gory and violent (She actually screamed during that 5 second battle where Brad Pitt stabs the giant in the shoulder...I was like "damn, mom it's not a horror movie!").

Friday I also returned to work...to find a huge load of work waiting for me! It seems that by the weirdest of coincidences, one of the scanning machines broke while I was away! (What are the odds?!?!?), so now the workload is on the verge of overcoming us. If the repair guy can't get the piece to fix the machine soon...AH, we were ahead of production schedule anyway, worst case scenario we finish the project ON TIME instead or what we though would be the next couple of weeks.

Saturday I got this urge to rearrainge my room a bit, so I moved a four out of the five things around in different places, leaving the bookcase where it was after it was finally repaired. I move things around alot because I get tired of the same ol' setup. In the five years I lived in my studio, I must of moved everything around at least 10 times.

Finally, I submitted my TV Show Pilot to two TV Screenwriting contests this weekend. Seeing that TV show on Bravo "Situation:Comedy" made me get back on track of pushing the show. I wanna get back to updating the blog for it as well, start putting in character profiles and early storylines that will start the series. I gotta get the ball rolling, I'm in the middle of the fifth episode and I know I could do the whole 15 episode first season if I had some time to sit down and write!

And TV needs my show...the shit that I'm seeing now...FX has these two shows that are starting this coming week, "Starved" & "It's always sunny in Philadelphia" (Or something like that..). I saw the commercials for these shows and I was like "What the F**K!?!??!", what the hell kind of crap is this? FX draws these viewer in with raw, gritty dramas like "The Shield", "Nip/Tuck" and "Rescue Me" (Which I give props to, but never the less cannot sit down and actually watch for 15 minutes...) and then they fill up the airwaves with movies and weird ass shows like these two. I don't understand. And then Showtime's beginning to piss me off by making a TV show based on "Barbershop" along with a crazy suburban "Desprate Housewives" clone called "Weeds"...GOD, I'm so glad I steal my cable because it's so not worth paying for with channels like these.

"Backspin, Bitch!"

Work's been getting light this week. Monday there barely enough boxes available to keep 2 scanners busy. Tuesday, I took it upon myself to take the next couple of days off to give the work time to build up a bit. My supervisor agreed, so I had Wednesday and today to myself. Wednesday, I chilled and set up appointments for today at an agency and a trade school where they were giving Quickbooks classes.

Today I did all the running around and made both appopintments (The offices were close together 39th and 34th streets...) then went to the manhattan mall for my psp-nyc meetup. These guys are awesome! The last meetups I've atteneded have all been fun and in various cool places.

All we've been doing so far is playing each other in Hot Shots Golf. There are a few others that play racing games Like "Midnight Club" (or what we've nicknamed "Midnight LOAD" for it's long loading screens.) or Wipeout, but Golf is where it's at for the moment. I still haven't gotten everybody's name, but I know the faces and their screen names, There's The Architect, Daemoncel, Blazino, and this guy name KONY that have the funniest catch phrase I've heard since "Rick James, Bitch!".

When we play, KONY likes to do trick shots with the golf ball. So, we are screaming and yelling like nuts as we play, and he does a shot by hitting it at an angle to make it spin backwards as it lands, making it slow down after impact and sometimes roll backwards. Everytime he does it, KONY yells "Backspin, Bitch!" and it's the way he says it that makes it hysterical. We all crack up when we hear it, man, it's insane.

And it can be used in so many ways...you can scream it out for anything! If you're having sex..."Backspin, Bitch!"...you're driving a car and do a wicked turn, "Backspin, Bitch!!!"...the kid's being bad and you just wanna smack 'em up..."Backspin, Bitch!!!!!". It's freaking crazy...I found myself giggling to myself on the train ride home thinking about that line, all the passengers staring at me like I'm some sorta nut.

Tomorrow, I go back to work, the end is near...I give it another two weeks tops, before the UN project is done, ah well...it was fun while it lasted.

It'd be nice to get a second shift assignment somewhere...something like 4pm to 12 midnight, 5pm to 1am, etc, etc...I'm a nightstalker....I need to go to bed when the sun rises and prowl the streets when it sets.

"If books were money, I'd be Scrooge McDuck!"

I'm in the midst of fixing my bookcase and organizing my books. I sometimes can't get over how many books I have. Reading WAS always my thing...I mean, why else am I obessed with working in a library?

I have to admit though, the number of books I read a year have declined, or rather plumeted lately. In the last couple of years, I've just haven't had time. I used to read on the bus or the train, at work, over the weekend, etc, etc...but nowadays, I'm just tired all the time. I can't get enough sleep.

I'm even looking for shortcuts for reading, Like Ebooks, or Books-on-Tape. The last book I read was James Patterson's "London Bridges" and the beginning of the year. I've been trying to get back in the Janet Evanovich series and started "To the Nines".

And then, there's the freaky erotic books I sometimes read when I wanna exercise that wicked immagination of mine...The Zane books are good for calming down my sex drive. How many times I've read "Nervious" and wished I could be the "Jekyll and Hyde" Nyphomaniac portrayed in the novel.

Then, there are my African-American Mysteries...Walter Mosley, Gary Hardwick, Hugh Holton, I've read them all! My favorite mystery is still "Black Betty" by Mosley, only because of it's awesome ending.

I got too much, my graphic novels based on comics strips like "Calvin and Hobbes", Garfield", "Foxtrot", and "The Boondocks"


I swear I just swim in all the books I have...burrow underneath them like a gopher...and then throw them in the air and hit me on the head. (That's a lil Ducktales humor, there,)

SO, aside from the whole book, thing...my mom's going nuts about psycho-sis. Apparently little miss unsanitary's got a case of fleas. Mom thinks she got them from a kitty-carrier she borrowed from a neighbor. My sister's alienated all the people in her building, she doesn't want to throw the damn cage away, thinking the neighbor'll come back soon for it. Mom's furious at how my sister's letting this "Project Living" mentality destroy her life. Mom is sick of bailing her out or telling her what to do when trouble comes up. She's 25 years old, she'll be 26 in november, she shouldn't be going through so much. When problems burden my sister, she becomes a burden to mom, who then in turn drive ME crazy by sharing my sisters problems with me. I don't need to hear her nonsense, I got my own issues. But you see, I'm different. I keep all my shit inside. I share my pain with no one, going through all this movin' back in with mom stuff is killing me inside, plus no one knows about my insomina, or my other problems, they think everything's all right with Les, he's fine cuz he don't say nothing...THEY DON'T HAVE A FUCKIN' CLUE how I'm feelin', because I'm keeping it all inside, buried deep, until one day...everything's gonna see the light, and maybe then, they'll all understand...that I got problems, too.

Fleas, idiot thugs smacking her up, her house falling apart, her "Everybody's against Me" attitude...she has no clue, the world has been bending backwards for her since time began, she chooses to do things the hard way...and it just makes my mother mad, which makes me mad...the vicious circle.

"Words cannot BEGIN to express..."


That's all I can say...

You start a day, like every other, and then sometimes, just sometimes....life kicks you in the ass.

I mean, the shock of what's transpired has yet to subside, ladies and gentlemen!

Allow me to elaborate...

Wake up at 8am, just after a few hours of sleep, waiting for the Gwen Stefani tickets to go on pre-sale...

9am rolls by and I get online and buy my ticket, then quickly log off. Our downstairs neighbor calls and says she wants to give us a bookcase after mother dearest blabed my business out to the known free world about my bookcase colapse this past week. It's a cheap 3 shelf eye-sore that couldn't possible fit anywhere in the living room, but mom makes me take it upstairs anyway...

Mom stays down to chat for awhile and then I remember I have a couple of French Fry cartons from McDonalds that have this "MAC Code" for a PSP giveaway contest.

So, I go back online and go to "www.PlayatMcD.com"...

The website is Flash-Heavy and takes forever to load, but when it does, this female voice kicks in saying "I've been expecting you..." It totally freaked me out! So, I calm down and I enter the first Mac Code, the programs then asks me for an email addy, and my date of birth...I think it's a bullshit now, but I humor it with a legit email and my D.O.B. and then the program takes it time to check the code with the database of randomly selected winners. Once again, the website goes on a Flash-Heavy graphic load, and then once it was finished, the female voice comes up and it actually says "I can sense your anticipation...", I'm like "What the Hell?, yo!". Whoever worked on this website, they must have been very lonely or something, there was somethiing oddly perverted about it's tone.

So anyways, the first code won me a 5 dollar gift certificate off the puchase of any Playstation 2 video game at Best Buy. I shrugged it off, because I don't even have a PS2 any more, and clicked on to enter my second code. The same thing happens, it wants my email, and my birthday, and then time passes again...

A moment goes by and then the sexy voice comes up again and says..."I knew you could do it." and a picture of a PSP shows up, underneath it says "You have won a Playstation Portable System".

I chuckle to myself and think, "Bullshit, it's probably a trick, I gotta do a whole lot of things to claim it or something...". I click on continue it goes on to say "Congratulations, check you email for redemption instructions."...It slowly starts to sink in, that it's no joke. I check the email and boom, there it is from McDonald's...I check the code again, and the section where it says prize..."A Playstation Portable (PSP) System".

A 249.99 worth PSP...

That I have already paid 225 dollars to get only THREE WEEKS AGO!!!


What are the ODDS????

I start screaming all around the house like I won the freaking lottery or something!

I mean C'MON!!...I have never won ANYTHING in my LIFE!!!!

All those Monopoly games, scratch-offs, the Olymipics, nothing...EVER! Next thing you know, I win a freaking PSP!


I can't believe it. I followed the instructions and mailed off the code with a copy of the email, I also made a photocopy of the carton and the email for my records. In six to eight weeks, I will have a PSP that I won't have to hide from mother dearest! The question would be, what to do with the one I did sneak off to buy?

I guess I could sell it to JOE for a discounted price, that way we could both have one and challenge each other...

Unless he was dumb enough to get one already in a jealous rage once he found out I brought one before him...

well, we'll see what happens, all I can say is "I'M A WINNER!!!!" For once in my life, I actually WON something!


Um, after all that, me and mom went to the movies and finally saw "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", went to K-mart where I finally got a tool chest to put all my various tools that have been lying in the living room and then I came back home and chilled.

Got my ticket for Gwen and the Peas, buy the way, November 1st, Section 83...good seat, cost me an arm (but not a leg).

Hopefully I'll be working by then, but not on that day, or the day after (I'm gonna be so tired).

Life is cool.


"Am I Ready....for Gwen?"

It's 5am Saturday morning and I still can't sleep...I probably will during the afternoon with a couple of naps, but I wish I could sleep just once for 7 or 8 hours straight, instead of 2 hours here, 3 hours there, 45 minutes on the bus, etc, etc...

ANYhoo....Ticketmaster hooks me up with a email saying Gwen Stefani's coming to Madison Square Garden in November.

Now, I AM a big fan, but I don't know if I'm a CONCERT FAN...(You know, if it's worth 37.50 - 75.00 a ticket to see her while surrounded by a whole bunch of white people...)

To make it more tempting, her opening act is none other than THE BLACK EYED PEAS!!! (Oh, my FREAKING GHAD!!!!).

Now, the peas alone, would be worth the ticket, but it's a good bet they'll just do 5 or 6 songs and break out...

So, there lies the dilema... (Excuse the spelling errors, it IS 5am!)

Am I ready for Gwen?...LIVE with thousands of screaming fans?...Should I get just one ticket to be even geekier by going alone, or dare I get two and pray I'd have ANY close or distant associate to come with?

I need some input here...

Pre-Sale starts at 9am...

They'll be sold out in hours.


Yesterday morning, I leave the house for work like around 7:30am. While waiting at the Bus Stop (Yeah, I'm taking the bus downtown to work now, I take the damn train anymore...), My Cell phone starts playing "porcelain" by moby indicating I got a new voice message, I dial up my voicemail and here's what I hear...

"Hey Bud, it's me mom, your cat did something with the bookcase. After you left I hear him "Meowing, and Meowing" and then a loud crash. I open the door and see all the books from your bookcase on the bed, I guess the shelves collapsed or something...Oh, well, 'Bye....CLICK."

I just stood there frozen shock, I had the replay the message. I didn't know wheather I should go to work or turn around and go home and check the damage. My decision was made when the bus arrived and I went on to work.

After work, I made a bee-line back uptown! If my cat was responsible in some "Garfield-The Movie"-like mishap, I was ready to KILL HIM! I got home and opened the door to my room...oh, it was terrible...I almost wish I took a picture so I could have put it up on the blog. The only shelves that were still intact were the top one and the bottom two, everything else from the middle three shelves was, was...damn near everywhere. I...I just wanted to cry. These books, that I worked so damn hard to keep neat, and in order were scattered everywhere. From what I gathered, the shelves just gave out because of the weight, the support pins that came with the case were real small...

"It was just an accident" I told myself, it was bound to happen...Stupid "Gothic Cabinet Craft", Piece of Shit! I had my previous bookcase for over 16 years, never had any problems, mom buys that damn thing and less than 6 months, it fall apart. I know I have a lot of books, and maybe I stuffed it, but damn, is it THAT hard to find decient...never mind, it's not worth it.

The books were everywhere, I even had to sleep with half of them on my bed, it was a mess.

I just sat there, surrounded by my fallen books, I'd go to Home Depot and get some bigger shelf supports later on in the week. I don't think Indy (the cat) had anything to do with it, but I'm not 100% sure. All I know is that when I fix one thing in this damn house, something else breaks...


"My poor little Boo-Boo's got a Boo-Boo"

Hot, muggy, hazy, sticky and torture on a big guy...is there any reason why I wouldn't wanna spend my summers in Alaska?, God, and NO RAIN!...threat of rain, hints of rain, an ocassion freak 30-second thunderstorm, but no real rain to thart with my umbrella that I've been carrying every day for like forever! I feel like Russel Crowe in "A Beautiful Mind", or Donnie Yen in "Iron Monkey" (I almost wish I could encounter a gang of muggers so I can go Kung-Fu on them with my trusty umbrella!).

After work today, I headed down to Chinatown to look for a PSP disc case. At the meetup last week I couldn't believe some of the accessories some of these players had, it made me feel insignaficant (SP?) with my basic wool sleeve and original bulky game cases. I asked where did they get their stuff they said on ebay. There was a cool game disc holder that looked like a ring box. I opened up, and there were slots inside for each game...I looked too cool. So, I headed to Chinatown, thinking I could get them down there (The internet is nothing compared to streets of Village and below!), I went to my three best spots where you can get anything from Japan, China, or Hong Kong, movies, video games not yet relesed in the US, anything! But, I struck out! I guess i'll have to get a case from this website. I didn't want to leave empty handed, so I treated myself to my first PSP movie, "Cowboy Bebop - The Movie". Me being so obsessed with the anime series, I knew I'd watch the movie again, again, again (Hey, it's where I got the title of this blog from, ain't it?!?!).

Once I came home, me and mom tried to look at the "National Treasure" DVD I copied this weekend. We kept getting interupted by phone calls, though.

A few were from Psycho-Sis, she's been going out of her mind in loneiness since my niece has been down south, and now she hears about an accident the little boo-boo had today. Apparently, her thumb got slamed in a door and the father took her to the emegrency room (I wouldn't be suprised in the moron was responsible in some way!). Everybody's calling everybody about what to do, they don't have any of her medical information or ID down there. I guess it's too much to ask for nothing to go wrong when she visits, every year it's something...

"Little man, you've had a busy Day."

"It's been a long time,"

"I should of left you..."

"...With A dope beat to Step To."

I know I haven't posted in a while, and I have no one to blame but myself. I can't help it, though. I've been enjoying my PSP. All I play is Golf, in the morning on the way to work, during my lunch break, when I get home. I play, and play, and play. I've unlock 4 of the 10 characters and I average -4 (four under par) per game.

I've even joined a PSP meetup group! This past thursday, went to a Starbucks, and there were others, middle-aged adults, sitting together playing various games and enjoying each other's company. I joined in the fun, introduced myself and recieved a warm reception. I played in a tournament, sampled other games, and bear witness to an upset win in Baseball. The PSP group meets every week, so it's only a matter of time before I'll start to feel like one of guys...

Aside from the PSP, I've also been working on the TV show. There's a screenwriting contest deadline coming up next week and I'm getting together my latest proposal for entry.

Work's been work...we passed the 600,000 mark this week and we're still on course to finish the million document project by the end of August. I never heard anything from Peak Document Services (I interviewed with them a couple of weeks before) and nothing else I've sent my resume out to has gotten me a call on my cell.

Mom's traveling around the US like she's Carmen Sandiego. After just coming back from Vegas she took a Greyhound down to Maryland for the weekend to attend A FRIEND's family reunion celebration. She also has a wedding to attend in Ohio in August so she's debating flying versus the bus.

So, all alone this weekend, I had a few plans myself. One of my meetup groups decided on taking a cruise around the city on the infammous "Circle Line" cruise ship. I haven't been on one of those since I was in the 3rd grade. It felt cool, prentending to be a tourist and admiring the city from the outside, but once again, not hat many meetup members showed up for the trip.

Once the cruise was done and we all went our separate ways, I walked back up to 8th Avenue (From the piers on 12th Avenue mind you!) and decided to finally see "Fantastic Four" at the AMC. The movie was great! Well executed, fast paced, and funny as hell. The movie kept it true to the comic book displaying the hostile relationship between Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm as well as the Human Torch's impuslive, showboating behavior. It was a cool touch showing Johny's struggle to fly at first (Kinda reminding me of "The adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle", when Rocky kept insisting that he could fly and he didn't get it right till the very end...) and I also like the fact that they decided to make the blind woman that falls for "The Thing", Alicia Masters a black woman. I hope they do a sequel and bring in the "Mole Man" villan.

Pressing my luck at the AMC, I decided once again to do some theater hopping. I treated myself to a free screening of "Charlie and Chocolate Factory". I like MOST of the "Tim Burton/Johnny Depp" colaborations, but something about this movie disapointed me. Visually, the movie kicks ass, but the silly backstory about Willy Wonka's past and his enstrangement with his father spoiled the pace of movie for me. The same thing happened in "Sleepy Hollow" when Depp's Ichabod Crane (Spell check?) kept thinking back to his mother. The same type of flashbacks dampens what could have been a cool, and outstanding remake. Judging by the theater attendence, the movie will make money (Hopefully not more than "Fantastic Four"!) but compaired to the other summer movies so far, it's kinda up there with "Episode III" on the Disappoint Scale.

I was kinda tired at that point or I would have tried to check out "Dark Water", or "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" (I'm trying to catch that before it goes away and comes out on DVD by x-mas...) so I went on home to collapse on my bed. Around 1am, I woke up and decided to get online for a bit, so here I am...


"Is it me...?"


I had a post about the london bombings and the olympics, and by some mysterious fluke, the post never saved.

Ah well...

Below is a pic of the Citicorp Buliding, located in the 50's somewhere in midtown manhattan, now is it just me or with that slanted roof the building looks like a...er, ah, um....you know...


This truly is a dark day...

The Queen Bee is going to jail...


"Christmas in July"

"At last! The key to my future! Riches, my men! Riches beyond your limited, insignificant dreams! But not beyond mine! Ha ha! For soon, I, Don Karnage, shall be the wealthiest man in the world!" - Don Karnage, Tail Spin

THE PSP IZ MINE, it's MY preciousssssssss. I have done the impossible! WHOO HOO!!!

I got the email at 11am, this guy fronted on me yesterday, but he made up for it. The message said to meet him at 34th Street. We met up at noon, the deal was on the level. The guy was selling his PSP because his mother brought him one, too....what the hell are the odds?

Hell, the last thing video game related my mom brought me was the Atari 5200. which I had the misfortune of catching her wraping in the middle of the night almost scaring the living daylights outta her! (Not the best way to find out about Santa!).

So after the deal, I walked up the block to the manhattan mall and brought "Hot Shots Golf", and "Lumines" which I heard is like "Tetris" with music.

I am so excited I got this thing, but to prevent a lecture about saving money from Mommy Dearest, I gotta keep this transaction on the low...

And with this, my sex drive also takes the back seat, I'll have to wait awhile before I can use a couple of Benjamins for scandelous hotel Incall action.

Best of all, I got the PSP BEFORE JOE!...AHAHAHAHAHHA! He's gonna be spittin' kittens when he finds out.

The things I'm gonna do with this puppy...(evil laugh)

"I am...a freaking Genius" Kevin Bacon in "Hollow Man"

"The last temptation of Jet"

Anybody reading this entry first, scroll down and re-read the previous one about how I was going Ga-Ga over a PSP...

Okay, It's 5am, and I still can't go to sleep, the sun is about to come up...and I've been writing and surfing (and nodding off) throughout the night. I swing by craigslist for the hell of it and lookup PSP's in the sales/wanted section...there's an ad that was posted 3am by someone selling a PSP for 220.00.

I read the ad thinking it's bullshit, but for the hell of it, I reply that I'm intrested and if he's serious to reply quickly before 7am. I stay up for a few hours checking my mail, no reply, I unplugg and turn in for a few hours of sleep.

I get up at 10am, mom's getting ready to go to church, she makes a few calls while I eat breakfast and twidle my thumbs thinking if I got an email waiting for me. Mom leaves at 11, and I get back online...still no email, I guess the kid was full of it, or maybe someone else got the deal...

At 12:35pm, I got the email...he was still selling it, he was willing to meet in Brooklyn.

"Why'd it had to BK" is thought.

My first instinct was it could be a setup, me and Brooklyn have a bad history, and I never EVER go there unless it's really worth it. "This could be a set-up", I thought. I go there, I get jumped for my money, game over...the dude sounded sincere on the cell phone though so I rushed outta the house.

Still a little nervious, I get a IM on my cell phone while riding the train downtown, he wants to do the deal around 4pn, he had to do something else. Alarms start to go off in my head, "He's trying to get a crew together to rob us" I thought. You gotta be carefull doing these deals. I get to Flatbush Ave at around 2:30pm, I scope the station out, plan my escape routes in case I gotta run. It safer making the deal in a subway station, lots a people around, they're rarely deserted, you can still get jumped and people won't care, though...

I kill some time and 4pm rolls around, no sign of anybody...I get a text message at 4:15...He's stuck in Jersey, the deal's gotta wait till tomorrow. I was furious, I texted him back to meet me in manhattan then, it wasn't fair, I responded to the ad quickly, hauled ass over to BK only to get stood up. He agreed and then I went back home.

I almost thought about calling the whole thing off, but to be so close have getting the PSP within my grasp...*GASP!*...I can't quit now! By tomorrow, it will be MINE!!!


We're getting a break. It seems that my niece's father (The asshole that he is...) wants to actually spend some time with his daughter. So, he's come up from North Carolina with intent to take the little rugrat down south for a couple weeks. His visit made Psycho-Sis a bit nervious because apparently she's still messing around with the thug that's been smacking her up. She still has a bruise on her thigh, and a bite mark on her shoulder. Not that my niece's father is ol' faithfull himself, but if he even suspects anything, World War III is sure to happen.

Me and Mom took this time to ourselves as a godsent and went to the movies. We saw "Crash". It was second time seeing it, but someone had told my mother it was a good movie so she was curious.

After the movie, we walked around lincoln square and found a farmer's market nearby. The weather was cool today, no freak thunderstorms or killer heat to melt us down.

Once we got home, I stopped by my DVD source and brought an early offical copy of "Constantine". The best movie of 2005 so far, and it's already out on DVD. I was tempted, yet again to buy a PSP, I'm hearing so many things you can do with it. Someone on craigslist advertised a service of putting classic Super Nintendo games on a memory card with a program that lets you play them ON the PSP! Simular to the way I've been playing old NES games on my Game Boy SP. I also hear it has Bluetooth type of IM and Email, a web browser, along with playing movies, music, as well as games. Still, there is only one PSP game out, that I would buy and that's "Hot Shots Golf - Open Tee". I'm pretty contempt with my Mario Golf on SP, but there aren't any new games (Aside from freaking Pokemon) coming out lately.

I REFUSE to pay 249.99 plus tax for one. The most I'll pay is 225, EVEN and that's pushing it to the limit. I've been putting together schemes to trade for one, maybe a few DVD's that I'll copy, take the orignals to GameStop, or the Eletronics Boutique, yadda, yadda, yadda...

But then, I come to my senses, my future is uncertain at this time, I have no need to go crazy and spend money on anything....but sex. So I just chill...and wait till better games come out (Outlaw Golf, maybe, or another Trivia Pursuit Unhinged...)

Three day weekend starting off on the right foot, let's hope it stays that way.

"Copied some more..."

I guess I have nothing intresting to blog so I'm swiping stuff from others...

A is for Age - 29
B is for Booze - Nope
C is for Career - Um, lemme get back to ya on that...
D is for Dad's name - Biological Father-William Adopted Father-Tommy; don't ask, it's a long story...
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party - 2 Liter bottle of Sprite
F is for Favorite Song of the Moment - "Feel Good Inc." by Gorillaz
G is for Goof Off Thing To Do - Baby talk to my cat.
H is for Hometown - Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York!
I is for Instrument You Play - Recorder
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like - Neither, I'm a Peanut Butta man, man.
K is for Kids - Nada
L is for Living Arrangement - Oy, Vey do you really need to ask?
M is for Mom's Name - Marietta, everyone calls her Betty
N is for Names of Best Friends - Joe, Omar, and Trevor
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays - Never
P is for Phobias - My fear is going over the edge
Q is for Quote You Like - "We want to hurt no one, we're after the bank's money not your money, your money insured by the federal government you're not going to lose a dime." Robert DeNiro in "Heat"
R is for Relationship That Lasted the Longest - The first, 3 years in high school.
S is for Siblings - Just one, Psycho-Sis.
T is for Texas, ever been? - Uh, No.
U is for Unique Trait - The Birthmark, chicks dig it like the Batmobile.
V is for Vegetable You Love - Poe-tay-toes, "Boil'em, Mash'em, Stick'em in a Stew!"
W is for Worst Trait - Definately Anti-Social
X is for X-rays you've had - Um, I had a MRI done after faking a dodgeball injury in the 7th grade, when they found nothing wrong with me, my mom was furious!
Y is for Yummy Food You Make - French Fries, from scratch!
Z is for Zodiac Sign - Libra-Libran people seek aesthetic pleasure, balance in relationships and a harmonious environment. And although you can always see both sides of any issue, this often leads down the slippery slope to procrastination and vacillation.